• Continuing the mission into the Raider camp run by Caesar, Thelve was drawn to the prison room which is unsual since Raiders don't take prisoners as well as having prisons but once he opened he was surprised to his twin sister Kirava who went missing over 6 years ago. She revealed that Caesar was on a personal mission after discover some truth about father. But just as things were heating up the M.U.G team reported a dust storm heading their way that will destroy this camp so they must hurry to stop Caesar.
• Eventually Thelve headed off on his own to stop Caesar and told the team to head to safety, there the two would come face to face but Caesar knew that Thelve was the only person who would understand the truth about Father. a truth that would change the course of the war but Thelve choose not the listen and killed him instead. This of course would be on Thelve's mind as he must find out what secrets Caesar knew about Father.