astraligor was eating an chocolate heart because the last girl he tried to be his valentine rejected him, and all the girls that astraligor tried to date him is the same fate for him, alone and no one being his valentine. after being rejected for the last time, he sits on an bench crying and eating the chocolate heart with no one to share it. will astraligor find the perfect valentine? will astraligor get out of friendzone? find out in the next episode of... Adventures of Animator Igor and His Friends.
Eu não importo mais tanto assim, amigo. Aliás, nunca me importei... Eu não sou o tipo de pessoa que acha o romance uma coisa importante. Talvez porque as poucas vezes em que me apaixonei, as experiências foram traumáticas.
Eu não importo mais tanto assim, amigo. Aliás, nunca me importei... Eu não sou o tipo de pessoa que