Sammy was supposed to go meet with his friends and have fun together on a vacation. But he missed the flight somehow. He was too late.
Now there is nothing more to do than wait hopelessly for the next flight as he cries in pain ready to be swallowed by the abyss.
This is a very personal and emotional piece that deals with my fear of being left out. This is a metaphor for something that happened in my life, every text in the pic has a special meaning. I'm still waiting for the next metaphorical flight.
I think I transferred most of my sadness to this pic. I feel much better now.
3 years, 7 months ago
07 Jun 2021 21:53 CEST
Initial: 9e643ffb12499b79f314e37e9f8b925d
Full Size: cfe2c64ff369cfce980d28bf6f777f4d
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1 favorite