(This is a sequel to “Pampered and Pressured”, so I suggest you read that first if you haven’t already.)
The next day begins its course and Daniella quickly hops out of bed once the sun’s rays brightly shine through her bedroom window; today was the day she was going to meet her younger cousin, and Daniella couldn’t be any more excited. With a cheerful shake of her fluffy tail, the Alolan Vulpix skips to her closet and scans through her wardrobe, figuring she’d get herself dressed right away.
Daniella picks out a light blue shirt and a small teal skirt along with a blue bow. After taking off her pajamas, she puts the shirt over herself and places the bow on her head before pulling up the skirt, her snowflake-patterned diaper only being slightly concealed by it. To finish things off, she grabs her dark blue hairbrush and walks over to the mirror in the corner of her room before brushing her hair and tail with smooth strokes of the brush.
“All dressed up!” Daniella cheerfully smiles, quite proud of the way she dressed herself up and even more proud of the fact that she was able to make herself look pretty in more casual and simple attire; that’s not to say she thought less of the elegant and elaborate dress she wore yesterday, but she thought that wearing such formal attire would give the impression that she was trying to one-up her cousin and be a show off when making a grand impression was never her goal in the first place.
The Alolan Vulpix then leaves her bedroom and makes her way to the kitchen, spotting Alicia placing some fruit onto a plate of eggs and toast; the Alolan Ninetales turns around and gently smiles at her daughter.
“Well, what’s got you getting dressed up so early, sweetie?.” Alicia says while she continues fixing up breakfast.
“I’m just really excited to meet my cousin, Mum!” Daniella says with a wide smile, playfully wiggling her tail and her diapered bottom before plopping onto a vacant chair with a loud crinkle and a burst of powder.
Alicia then places the plate of food in front of Daniella along with a glass of milk. With a wide smile, Daniella quickly eats up her breakfast while taking sips of her milk, though she ends up getting bread crumbs and fruit juice on her face and cheeks.
“Daniella, being excited to meet your cousin is no excuse for forgetting your table manners.” Alicia says with a gentle but slightly firmer tone of voice.
“Hehe, sorry, Mum.” the Vulpix wipes off her face and washes her utensils in the sink once she’s done eating.
“Just remember to always be polite and courteous when we have company here.” Alicia says to her. “However, most important of all, don’t-
Alicia was about to tell her daughter to not be an embarrassment to her cousin, but she quickly caught herself; she made a promise to not be so strict to Daniella, but it would prove to be a little challenging to completely break this habit.
“Most important of all, get to know your cousin well.” the Ninetales backpedals and corrects herself.
Daniella nods her head and starts walking around the living room, shaking her tail in anticipation as she waits for her cousin to arrive. Suddenly, her ears perk up once the sound of a ringing doorbell echoes throughout the house.
“I got it! I got it!” Daniella says as she rushes to the front door and opens it up.
A Vulpix in a cute and simple getup of a light green t-shirt and a diaper with orange tapes and a fire symbol in the center stands at the front porch beside her mother Delphox.
“Why hello there!” the Delphox is the first to say with a wide smile. “We haven’t officially met, so I figured I’d introduce myself. My name is Abigail, though you can just call me Abby if you’d like.”
“Hewwo! I’m Susie!” the Vulpix says with a cheerful smile.
“I’m Daniella. It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” Daniella replies with a little curtsy.
“Oh! Such a polite young lady! I reckon your mother raised you quite well.” Abby says.
Right on cue, Alicia also makes her way to the front door and greets her guests with a welcoming smile.
“Welcome! So glad you could make it here today!” the Alolan Ninetales says to them.
“Likewise, thank you for inviting us here.” the Delphox replies before looking at her daughter. “Susie, this is your aunt Alicia.”
“Hi, Awicia!” Susie replies with a wave of her paw.
“Hello there!” Alicia replies before looking back at Abby. “Why don’t you come on inside so we can chat?”
The adults make their way to the living room and start up some small talk, leaving the two Vulpix on their own for a little bit. Susie then steps inside and looks around the lavish house, awestricken at how large it is.
“Wow! Dis house is huge!” the Vulpix says as she continues to look around.
“It sure is!” Daniella says with a giggle. “Oh! How about I give you a tour of the house!” the Alolan Vulpix says with a cheerful shake of her tail.
“Ooooh, yea yea yea!” Susie enthusiastically hops in place in response.
Daniella nods and walks over to the piano room with Susie following her from behind as she gets into a playful waddle. Once they enter the room, Susie gazes at the piano with an expression of curiosity and wonder, as she’s never actually seen one before.
“Huh? What’s dis?” Susie asks, lifting a curious eyebrow and gazing at the black and white keys of the piano.
“Hehe, it’s a piano.” Daniella replies with a playful chuckle.
After staring at it some more, Susie starts banging on the keys with her paws, giggling as a jarring mishmash of notes comes from the piano. Daniella also bursts into a fit of giggles, not because she was poking fun at her cousin for not knowing how to use a piano, but because she thought Susie’s antics were quite a silly sight to see. Eventually, an idea comes to her mind and she walks over to the piano.
“Oh, I know! I’ll play a song for you.” she says before sitting on the bench and opening up her songbook.
“Okay!” Susie nods and plops her diapered bottom onto the floor, wondering what kind of song was going to be played for her.
Daniella places her paws on the keys and starts to play, filling the house with an upbeat and lively tune. While the song goes on, Susie can’t help but break out into a dance as she stands up and playfully wiggles her body.
Likewise, the adults in the adults in the living room are also amazed by the music, momentarily stopping their conversation to take in the lively tune.
“Amazing! You never told me your daughter was a pianist!” Abbyl says with a cheerful smile.
“Mmhm, she’s been getting lessons for a year now, and I make sure her skills remain sharp and on point.” Alicia replies with a prideful smile.
“I applaud your daughter for being so talented.” the Delphox adds. “Though, if I may ask, what prompted you to make her take piano lessons?”
Alicia becomes a little flustered in response to this question, as she knew that a truthful answer would make her come off as the overbearing mother she didn’t want to be anymore. However, she also knew that refusing to talk about this wouldn’t help her improve.
“If I’m going to be completely honest...” she starts off. “One of the reasons I had her take lessons at such a young age was because I wanted her to be the best lady she could be, but I also made her play an instrument to make myself look good. I now realize I’m being selfish, but I’m trying my best to move on from that.
The Alolan Ninetales dips her head in shame, but Abby’s expression remains free of judgment.
“Well, I think the fact that you’re bringing this up to me is proof enough that you’re trying to improve.” the Delphox replies in a gentle voice. “Being a parent is no easy task, and I won’t act like I know all the ins and outs of parenting cause I’ve only been one for a few months.”
“A few months? But isn’t Susie-“ Alicia then stops herself once she connects the dots.
“Ah, I guess I forgot to tell you this, but yes, I adopted Susie.” Abby says to her. “I’ve always wanted to be a parent, but sometimes I question whether I’m fit for the job.
Before the conversation can continue, they see Daniella and Susie walking into the living room.
“What are you two up to now?” Abby says with a chuckle.
“I’m giving Susie a tour of the house!” Daniella cheerfully replies.
“That sounds like a lovely idea, dear!” Alicia smiles and pats her daughter on the head.
Daniella then heads upstairs to her bedroom while Susie playfully toddles from behind and gets on her fours, giggling as she crawls up the long flight of stairs.
“Here’s my bedroom!” she says once Susie makes her way upstairs.
Susie stands back up and the first thing she spots is her own reflection from the mirror in the corner of the room. She then turns her back to the mirror and playfully giggles as she presses her crinkly tush onto the mirror.
“Hehehe, you’re so funny, Susie!” Daniella bursts into another fit of laughter in response to her cousin’s silly antics.
The playful Vulpix walks away from the more and focuses her attention on Daniella’s bed, fixated on how comfy it looks and how different it is from the crib she sleeps in at home.
“Wow! You have a big kid bed!” Susie crawls onto the bed and starts lightly jumping on it.
Daniella laughs and climbs onto the bed as well, joining in on Susie’s silliness as she playfully jumps on the bed; even if jumping on the bed wasn’t the most “ladylike” thing to do, she was having too much fun with her cousin to care about such things. They continue bouncing on the bed for a little longer, but Susie’s attention fixates on one more thing.
“Teddy!” the Fire-type hops off the bed and eyes Daniella’s big teddy bear.
“Yep! That’s my favorite stuffed animal!” Daniella says with a cheerful smile. “However, that’s not even the best part. Follow me and I’ll show my favorite part of the house!”
Susie nods enthusiastically and follows Daniella down the stairs and out through the back door; the two smile and giggle as they romp through the grass before eventually stopping at the garden.
“Our house garden has all kinds of flowers and fruit trees. It’s quite a beautiful sight, is it not?” Daniella says with a cheerful smile.
“Wow!” Susie looks around in awe, mesmerized by the pretty plants scattered throughout the garden. “Ish so pwetty!” she says gleefully.
Wide smiles form on their faces as Daniella and Susie happily walk around the garden, greatly enjoying the sunny day as their feet sink into the soft grass with each step. While they roam around the garden, Susie eyes one of the fruit trees and plucks a peach off of it.
“Can I eat dis, Daniewwa?” Susie asks her.
“Mmhm! Of course you can!” Daniella replies as she grabs a pear from an adjacent tree.
The two Vulpix plop their crinkly bottoms onto the soft grass and bite into their fruit, smiling as its sweet juices envelop their taste buds. Susie is the first to finish eating and quickly stands back up.
“How ‘bout we pway on da gwass!” Susie says before zooming out of the garden and playfully frolicking around the grassy backyard.
Daniella giggles and stands back up, finishing up her fruit before joining along with her cousin and running alongside her.
“Hehehe, watch dis!” Susie then does a series of playful cartwheels and somersaults, giggling and laughing while doing so.
“Wow! That’s amazing, Susie!” Daniella smiles and gives her cousin a round of applause.
The energetic Vulpix continues cartwheeling and somersaulting before laying on her belly and rolling around on the grass. This greatly amuses Daniella, and it’s not long before they’re both happily rolling around. Meanwhile, the adults watch them play from inside the house, with Abby sporting a wide on her face while Alicia has a more neutral expression.
“Awww, it looks like they’re having so much fun together, wouldn’t you agree?” Abby says cheerfully, though she quickly notices Alicia’s expression. “Hm, is something the matter?” she asks her.
“Well, I’m not going to spoil their fun, but I already told Daniella yesterday that I don’t like it when she rolls on the grass like that.” Alicia replies. “I didn’t buy her those clothes just for them to be full of grass stains, you know.”
The Delphox nods in understanding, but she can’t help but chuckle at Alicia’s comment.
“Hm? What’s so funny?” the Alolan Ninetales asks.
“Even from my few months of parenting, I’ve learned that little kids will always find a way to get themselves dirty when they’re playing outside.” Abby says with another chuckle. “Besides, a few grass stains never hurt anybody. Little kids are only going to be little for so long, so I figure we should let them play how they see fit even if it means getting a little dirty.”
Alicia lets that comment rest in her mind for a moment, realizing that it goes back to yesterday’s conversation and the promise she made about cutting Daniella some slack and allowing her to be a kid.
“Well, when you put it that way, you have a point. Perhaps I shouldn’t make such a fuss over a few grass stains.” Alicia replies, chuckling and cracking a smile; with that said and done, Alicia and Abby continue watching their kids play outside.
The two Vulpix play around for a while longer as the sounds of cheerful giggling and laughing fill the air. However, it’s not long before a more crude noise takes its place.
Susie’s tail slightly hikes up and a loud and squishy fart cuts into the air, but this only elicits a giggle from the both of them.
“Hehehe, excuse you, Susie!” Daniella says with another giggle.
Susie then gets on her fours and lifts up her diapered bottom, bending her knees and shaking her tail as her bowels tense up.
“Hm? What are you doing now?” Daniella lifts a confused eyebrow.
As if to answer that question, Susie’s tail hikes up again and she loudly poops in her diaper, causing it to droop between her legs as a stinky odor emanates from it.
“Poopies!” the Vulpix giggles and wiggles her bottom, causing the load in her diaper to swing back and forth like a pendulum.
“Oh! That’s what you were doing!” Daniella giggles and plugs her nose in jest. “We should go back inside so Abby can change your diaper.”
Susie nods and she walks back inside with Daniella, filling the large house with the foul stench coming from her diaper.
“Looks like you two had a lot of fun!” Abby says before her nose quickly picks up the stench. “Uh oh! Smells like my little Susie is a little stinker!” she says before picking her up.
The Vulpix laughs at the silly comment and is quickly carried to the bathroom to get her diaper changed, leaving Alicia and Daniella by themselves at the moment.
“So, what do you think of your cousin so far?” Alicia asks her.
“Susie’s great, Mum!” the Alolan Vulpix happily replies. “She’s fun to play with and she’s really funny!”
“Yea, she seems to be a very playful child.” Alicia replies. “Cause I heard you two hopping around on the bed after you took her upstairs.
Daniella becomes rather flustered in response, assuming that her mother would get mad at her for doing such a thing. However, to her surprise, Alicia simply cracks a smile and giggles.
“You’re not mad at me, are you, Mum?” Daniella asks her.
“Some slightly ruffled sheets aren’t worth getting mad over.” Alicia replies as she gives her daughter a gentle pat on the head. “Besides, I’m not going to act like jumping on the bed wasn’t something I did when I was your age.”
“Oh, ok!” Daniella says with a wider smile.
A few moments later, Abby returns to the living room and sets Susie down, who is now wearing a clean diaper and smells of baby powder.
“I don’t know about you, but I could go for some lunch right about now.” the Delphox says.
“Now that you mention it, I’m starting to get hungry too.” Alicia says before looking at Daniella and Susie. “Does lunch sound good to you two right about now?”
“Mmhm!” they both smile and nod in agreement.
With that settled, they all leave the house and walk outside, with Daniella lightly walking with a relaxed posture while Susie walks with a vibrant and playful skip as the both hold their mother’s hand. After several minutes, they walk into town and enter a plaza bustling with other Pokémon and being filled to the brim with shops and eateries.
“Ooh! Ooh! Can we get pizza, Mommy?” Susie enthusiastically jumps in place and points at a pizzeria.
“I don’t see why not, so as long as they’re fine with it.” Abby says as she glances at Alicia and Daniella.
“I’d like that too, Mum.” Daniella says, looking up at her mother. “Besides, Susie
Is our guest, so I’m fine with them choosing what to have for lunch.”
“That’s very true, Daniella.” Alicia replies with an approving smile. “Well then, I suppose it’s settled.”
After stopping at the crosswalk for a few moments, they cross the street and stand in front of the pizzeria. However, before they have the chance to step inside, Daniella suddenly feels an intense pressure in her bladder and bowels. Instinctively, she stops in her tracks and bends her knees into a squat, slightly tightening her grasp on her mother’s hand while she grunts and pushes.
Her bladder is the first to give way, causing the snowflake patterns on Daniella’s diaper to fade away while it swells up from the strong torrent of urine. Her diaper sloshes and sags to her knees once she finishes soaking it, but that was merely the calm before the storm.
Daniella’s bowels begin to shift as their crude noises accompany her strained grunts. The Alolan Vulpix gets into a slightly deeper squat and her tail suddenly hikes up, as if to give everyone a signal for what she was about to do in her diapers.
Daniella’s stinky mess starts piling into her diaper, causing it to expand and become lumpier while she continues to push.
“Hehehe, poopy diapee! Poopy diapee!” Susie can’t help but giggle as she watches her cousin fill her diaper.
With another grunt, Daniella pushes one last solid into her diaper, causing it to slump down to her feet as it barely hovers above the ground.
“Phew...much better...” Daniella sighs in relief and blissfully smiles, as it felt really good to get all of that out of her system and rid herself of that intense pressure.
Had it not been for yesterday’s conversation, Alicia would have been furious at Daniella for going in her diapers, even more so for doing such a deed in public where everyone could see. However, Alicia remembered the promise she made to not pressure her daughter into getting potty trained, and she didn’t plan on breaking that promise so soon.
“All done, sweetie?” the Alolan Ninetales asks as she looks at Daniella with eyes free of any kind of contempt or judgement.
“Yes, Mum.” Daniella replies with a nod of her head.
“Alright then.” Alicia grabs Daniella by the waist and lifts her up before looking at Abby. “Would you mind getting us a table while I head to the lady’s room and change Daniella’s diaper?”
“Not at all!” the Delphox replies with a chipper smile.
Alicia nods approvingly and enters the pizzeria, briskly walking to the other side of in search of a restroom. The other Pokémon inside give her strange looks in response to the lumpy and smelly diaper slumping between her daughter’s legs, but they don’t seem to faze or embarrass Alicia at all. Eventually, she finds the restroom and steps inside.
“Alright, time to get you cleaned up.” Alicia opens up the changing station and lays Daniella onto it before grabbing a container of wipes, a bottle of scented powder, and a clean diaper from her bag.
Daniella nods and lightly kicks her feet while Alicia slightly pulls up her skirt and undoes the tapes of her diaper, gently sliding it away from her and rolling it up before plopping it into the trash. Alicia then lifts up Daniella’s legs and thoroughly cleans her bottom with multiple wipes before applying lots of powder to her bottom as well.
“There, nice and clean.” Alicia grabs the new diaper and slides it under Daniella, nestling it between her legs and securely taping up the sides so that it fits nice and snug around her waist.
“Thank you, Mum!” Daniella says with a smile.
“You’re very welcome, sweetie.” Alicia picks Daniella up and sets her back down.
Daniella gives her newly diapered bottom a playful wiggle before heading out of the restroom with her mother. Shortly afterwards, they spot Abby and Susie sitting across from each other at a four-seater table and meet up with them, making it so that the kids and adults are seated next to each other.
“I’ve already got our order set up. I assume you’re fine with all of us sharing a cheese and pepperoni pizza, right?” Abby says to Alicia.
“That’s perfectly fine, thank you.” Alicia says in response.
While they wait for their food to show up, Susie excitedly drums her paws on the table, giggling and laughing while doing so. This elicits a giggle from Daniella as well, and it’s not long before she also starts drumming her paws on the table. Unfortunately, Alicia wasn’t so approving of such actions, causing her to return to her strict self for a brief moment.
“Daniella, you should know better than to make noise at the table like that...” she says with a disappointed frown.
“Sorry, Mum, I was just playing along with Susie.” Daniella sheepishly replies.
“That’s no reason to disregard your table manners, young lady, especially at a public restaurant.” the Alolan Ninetales slightly raises her voice.
Fortunately, before things can escalate any further, Abby calmly but firmly intervenes.
“Alicia, please don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.” the Delphox says to her. “They’re just finding a way to pass the time before the food gets here, that’s all.”
Alicia is about to fire off another retort, but she catches herself and calms back down after hearing Abby’s words.
“Oh dear, and there I go acting all strict again. How stupid of me...” Alicia says with a slightly flustered expression. “Sorry about that, and thank you for catching me, Abigail.”
“No worries!” Abby says with a gentle smile. “Besides, I think we have better things to focus on right now!” she says as she eyes the waiter arriving with their pizza.
With that settled, the rest of their outing goes rather swimmingly as they all enjoy their lunch without any further arguments or altercations. Half an hour later, the pizza is all gone and everyone smiles in satisfaction having gotten their fair share of slices. When they recover the bill, Abby starts to reach for her wallet, but Alicia quickly stops her.
“I appreciate the gesture, but you’re our guest. Lunch is on me.” Alicia says with a smile.
“Oh, if you insist!” Abby replies, reciprocating a smile.
Once lunch is paid for, they leave the restaurant and start heading back to the house, though Alicia can’t help but feel a lingering sense of regret over the little squabble she had with her daughter. They eventually make their way back to the house and the two Vulpix happily run to Daniella’s bedroom, leaving Abby and Alicia by themselves once again.
“Abigail, I must ask, how do you do it?”
“Hm, what do you mean?”
“You say you’ve only been a parent for a few months and yet it feels like you’re a far better mother than I am, and I won’t lie when I say I’m quite envious of you.” Alicia says with an embarrassed look. “I wish I could be as easy-going as you, but I guess old habits die hard.”
“Truth be told, I think Susie being an adopted child is what makes me more easy-going.” the Delphox replies. “I figured that someone in that kind of circumstance just needs someone who can give her affection, though sometimes I can’t help but wonder if I’m being too permissive.”
“I guess that makes sense.” Alicia says with a shrug.
“You’ve talked about how you want to stop being so strict to Daniella, and I think I may have a little bit of insight on that.
“Hm, and what might that be?”
“I think moving beyond your overbearing self is about more than just being more conscious about how you treat your daughter, but also how you treat yourself. Given what I’ve seen and heard today, you’re someone who’s pretty hard on themselves, and I think that carries over to Daniella. Essentially, learning to cut Daniella some slack means learning to cut yourself some slack as well.”
Alicia ponders this for a while, ultimately realizing that Abby was right and that she was beating herself up over her own mistakes.
“Well, I never thought about it that way before.” Alicia says, now cracking a smile. “You’re really perceptive, you know that?”
“I’ve been told that a few times, though I always thought that simply came from me being half Psychic-type.” Abby says with a slight blush.
“I don’t think you give yourself enough credit, Abigail.” the Ninetales says with a chuckle. “I may not be the best candidate for giving advice, but I think you’re doing just fine and you shouldn’t second guess yourself so much, and I think you’ll also realize that once you have more confidence in yourself.”
“Y’know, now that you mention it, I think you’re right. It seems we’ve both learned something valuable today.” Abby says with a chuckle of her own. “Any who, as much I’d love to talk some more, I think it’s about time for me to take my leave.”
Alicia nods and they both head upstairs to Daniella’s bedroom, the two Vulpix staring at them as they step inside.
“Alright, honey, I think it’s time to get going.” Abby says to Susie.
“Okay!” Susie walks up to Daniella and gives her a big hug. “Bye bye Daniewwa! I had a wot of fun wit you!”
“Likewise, Susie! I look forward to spending time with you again.” Daniella replies with a happy shake of her tail.
“I’m glad you two had so much fun together!” Abby smiles and scoops Susie up, affectionately patting her on the back. “Take care you two!” she says before leaving the room and walking towards the front door.
Daniella looks out the window while the two Fire-types leave the house, waving at Susie one last time before watching them drive away.
“Sounds like you had a great time with your cousin, sweetie.” Alicia says to her.
“I sure did!” Daniella replies cheerfully.
With a wide smile, Alicia scoops Daniella up and rests the child on her shoulder, lightly bouncing her and gently patting her back. While she looks at the smiling Vulpix, the Ninetales ponders those conversations she had with Abby, thankful for the advice she gave to her; such insights instilled a newfound optimism within Alicia, and now she had yet another reason to be hopeful about her developing relationship with her beloved daughter.