I am moving to Buzzly.Art as my new, permanent home as pony artist and I will reupload all of my pony art, that I have put here on Inkbunny in the last two years, there. But I won't delete this picture and I will occasionally swing by to see if I got any new favourites or comments. If you are interested in seeing more pony art from me, please check out the reupload of this picture on Buzzly.Art and visit my new account there:
Yeah, that's me, Scootaloo. I'm sure you're wondering how I got into this situation. Well, it all started with.....
The Newbie Artist Training Grounds are here! And I am participating again! Once more with the goal to draw a picture on every single day! Will I succeed this time, finally? We will see, only the stars and the gods know right now! But I'll do what I can and my best. Like Scootaloo does her best here. Her best not to sink into the waters and get eaten. Let's hope she can make it out of this situation and rescue herself onto that lush, blue-green grass over there and gets a chance to nibble on those tasty berries that grow on the river bank.
The prompt for Day 1 is Draw a pony standing / Draw a static pony.