If the stream shuts down without warning, please check back at this submission. My computer may have crashed, in which case I'll have changed join.me URLs.
Stream starts at 7 pm Eastern Standard Time (twenty minutes from this posting)
HOW'S IT WORK? These hours are paid in advance by people who caught my Slavestream journal, so there's no way for viewers to get in on the action during the stream, So, just sit back and watch the smut.
Please do not send me a private message via the join.me chat. I usually don't know they're PMs and will just answer you in public. If you want to tell me something private, send me a note on this site or something like that.
You can change your name in the join.me chat by clicking on the second-to-last button on your console. It looks like a little dude with a number on his shirt. Your current name will be at the very top, on top of mine. Click on it and change it to something we'll remember!