...Dinos Couldnt be Sexies?
ok sketch q estuve ofreciendo en mi último concurso...el cual duró como dos minutos antes de conseguir un ganador xD jaja felciidades a la ganadora!otro sketch en camino!...bueno este fue un sketch bastante rapidito de 4o min siii eso es rapido para mi xD nunca he presumido ser rapida xD, nos vemos!
....Dinos Couldnt be Sexies?
Sketch pic I was offering in my last conest, which was open around two minutes LOL xD!!!! congrats to the winner!!! one more sketch coming! super quick sketch made in 40 min yeaaah Im not a faster artists xD thats was quick for me, enjoy
Dino by her owner HuskyBlue~"
Art me
12 years, 10 months ago
24 May 2012 21:25 CEST
Initial: d1e2b37c4a9ceee166d403e6b569da65
Full Size: 385a66613af5d8b946e48ec7baa0c31b
Large: 52fea5981747709c87d4b8973f86644e
Small: 62201ef6f536a5ecb17661e668a6750b
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