Seb the blue bear is an OC character who belongs to the artist who created him. He is currently in a relationship with Flaky, a red female porcupine and he loves it. He has the same outfit as Mr.S and PonySeb 2.0 and he is a very friendly (sometimes grumpy) OC, greedy, intelligent, a bit lazy, creative, generous, etc.
Favorite characters in Happy Tree Friends: Cuddle, Giggles, Lammy, Nutty, Petunia, Splendid and Tooty Favorite colors: blue, white and black Favorite foods: hamburger, hot dog, sandwich, Kraft Dinner, Smoked Meat, shepherd's pie, pizza, chicken wrap, cookies, chicken breast, fries, etc. Friends: Petunia (sometimes), cuddle, giggle, Lumpy (sometimes) Lammy, Sniffles, Flippy / Flipqy (rarely) Enemies: Flippy / Flipqy (rival, nemesis), Petunia (sometimes), Lumpy (sometimes). Love interest: Flaky