Through the Lens
*At Fluttershy?s house...*
"Smile and say cheese," requested Fluttershy to the others.
"Cheese," replied the others before their photo was taken.
"Okay, now for a silly one," continued Fluttershy.
"This ought to be a good one," giggled Minty.
"Let?s see your best goofy faces," requested Fluttershy.
"I can?t even get my own goofy face with how everyone else?s are," remarked Pinkie Pie.
"Concentrate, everyone. That?s it. Good," replied Fluttershy before taking their photo again.
"How long until they?re developed, Fluttershy?" asked Minty.
"Should be a few days. There?s some good ones from what you guys did. Thanks for coming together," answered Fluttershy.
"It was great fun," added Pinkie Pie. *Later that week...*
"They?re here at last. Let?s see how they came out," said Minty excitedly. *She opens the envelope.*
"Here?s our goofy photo," giggled Minty.
"Wait a minute. There?s something wrong here. These don?t look like the photos we took the other day. I think a mistake was made," protested Pinkie Pie.
"Fluttershy, can you have a look at these? I think they?re not our photos," requested Pinkie Pie. *Fluttershy takes the photos and looks at them.*
"You?re right, Pinkie. They?re not our photos. They look to be changed from what we originally had. We?d better take them back to the store they came from," agreed Fluttershy. *At the Perfect Photos store...*
"We?d like to have a refund on our photos. They didn?t come out, right," requested Pinkie Pie.
"Sorry. We don?t do refunds. Our photos are given on a non-returnable basis. You?ll have to leave," declined the clerk.
"These aren?t even the original photos, dahling. I don?t think you get to take our money away when you didn?t give us back the same photos we gave you," protested Rainbow Dash.
"It?s in our policy. Tough luck," sneered the clerk.
"Let?s go, guys. It?s clear they don?t want to do anything about them," suggested Pinkie Pie. *That night...*
"What a mean thing to do. I hope they aren?t all like that," remarked Minty.
"It does make me reconsider doing this again in the future. I may just get a more modern camera," agreed Fluttershy.
"That?s a good idea. Then we don?t need to worry about them getting developed," replied Pinkie Pie. *Everyone else shook their heads.*
"We?ll just have to find a way to get the money. We spent what we had on those photos and they got ruined," noted Kimono.
"They could?ve been so lovely," sighed Wysteria.
"I?ll work at the Cotton Candy Cafe for a while and make the money that way," assured Fluttershy.
"I?m sure Sweetberry and Cotton Candy won?t mind your company," figured Pinkie Pie.