A doodle that turned into a somewhat proper flat color picture. I got a handful of other versions of this drawing that I'll post in a little while.
This is included in my Art Archive for March and April 2021 with full resolution files, WIP files, a timelapse video, and a handful of exclusive goodies. Get it on Gumroad or Commissio. This art archive includes six versions of this picture in total! I got to put him in a bunch of different underwear. So far, I have only shown two versions publicly.
I honestly do have some; “ideas” of this cartoon set, but I honestly understand that you have a perfect imagination and such.~ But, if you’re willing to hear me out for my shenanigan ideas, please feel free to PM me here.~ Again, awesome artwork and glad I follow you here.~
I honestly do have some; “ideas” of this cartoon set, but I honestly understand that you have a perf