An Amazing Hyena Adoopt I got from Konagame on
Name: Khaba
Species: Hyena
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 190Ibs
Fur color: Brown
Eye color: Gold
Birthplace: Stoneslope
Mother: Olabisi
Father: Sebak
Occupation: Adventurer/Guild Member
Affiliations: The Black Wolf Guild
Personality: Kind
Abilities: His Eyes allow him to see in the Dark.
Skills: Sword Combat, Spear Combat, Archery, Horseback Riding, Stealth, Sneaking
Likes: Training, Traveling, Fighting Bandits, Sailing, Sliding Down Sandhills, Looking at Maps, Site seeing.
Dislikes: Getting Captured, Being Buried in the Sand, Mummified Alive, Bound and Gagged.
Hobbies: Sharpening His Sword, Brushing his Horse
Background: In the realm of Xodia, was born a male Hyena named Khaba. He had mixed-brown fur and beautiful golden eyes. Khaba was born in the village of Stoneslope to his mother Olabisi and his father Sebak.
Khaba actually had a very pleasant Childhood. He liked to slide down the Sandhills that surrounded his village. Stoneslope resided in the Giant Desert. It was entirely made of stone and built on a hillside that was covered by sand. Khaba loved spending time with his parents and loved his village, but when he was older, everything changed.
When he was 13, Khaba and his parents traveled West like they did once a year to an Oasis near the ocean to gather fish and foods, but as they were returning, they came under attack by bandits. They raided their carriage and killed Olabisi and Sebak. Khaba weeped with tears as he was forced to watch, then was knocked unconscious.
When he awoke, Khaba found he was buried up to his neck in sand. He twisted and turned his head while yelling for help, but there was no one around. Khaba cried out for his parents, but then remembered that they had been killed by bandits. For what seemed like hours, Khaba became tired and dehydrated. He then saw a figure in the distance and tried to yell out. His cries were loud enough and figure approached him.
Khaba looked up and saw a male Jaguar dressed in Makarian clothes standing over his head with a horse at his side. He begged the Jaguar to help him, then the Jaguar told Khaba to grip the rope he took out with his teeth. Khaba did so, then the Jaguar made the horse gallop and Khaba was yanked out of the sand. The Jaguar then picked him up with one hand, placed Khaba on his horse and road off.
Khaba saw he was being taken to an abandoned small Fort. After he took Khaba inside and showed him his room, the Jaguar introduced himself as Akar, who was a former warrior of Ekrakar. Khaba explained to him that his parents were killed by bandits. Akar expressed that he knew the same feeling, for he lost his family as a child. Akar was taken in by the royal guard and trained in their ways. Akar told Khaba that he was going to teach him all that he knew.
By day, Khaba was out in the courtyard training and Studying by night. Khaba was trained how to use a sword, spear, and bow and arrows. He wore an Ekrakarian Toga when training which was equipped with armor later. During his studies, Khaba learned about the other lands of Xodia from books and maps, about the kingdoms and mainly the guilds.
Khaba even learned how to ride a horse and sail a boat along a nearby river. After Five years of training, Khaba was a fully realized warrior. After he was 18, he decided to go on his own. Akar suggested that he join a guild, so he could share in adventure and make decent coin. When Khaba asked what guild to join, Akar told him there was a certain guild in the far North. All he had to do was look for the Black Wolf who Bared a Star.
After weeks of Traveling, Khaba arrived in the kingdom of Valenfall, where he found the wolf Akar told him about. The wolf was the Master of the Black Wolf Guild. After Khaba joined the guild, Everyone had a feast as usual. They drank, ate and fought. Everyone could tell Khaba was from the desert. Khab wore a white toga with leg-strap sandals, a set of gold bracers and a chest cuirass.
Like so many of the Guild members, Khaba had an ability. His Golden eyes allowed him to see in the dark. Khaba mainly took jobs that were in the Desert Kingdoms. He searched for buried treasures and took down bandits. When he was in the Great Desert, Khaba enjoyed sliding down Sand Hills.
He did hate it however when he got captured. Since he was a Guild Member, the bandits figured they could get a price for him and kept him bound and Gagged as their prisoner. Sometimes he was left Buried in the desert or Mummified alive and sealed in a tomb. When this happened, Khaba either escaped on his own or was rescued by members of the Guild.
Khaba also enjoyed looking over maps, seeing the places he visited, sailing the rivers or ocean. Khabas weapons were a Silver Steel curved sword. A spear with a Steel Shaft and a Spiral Blade made from Black Steel and an Ebony Bow.
Khaba had a personal Grudge against bandits since they killed his parents. Mainly he turned in Bandits who had a Bounty, killed them and sometimes Buried them in the desert like he was.
Khaba missed his parents and thought of them daily, but he began to feel that the Black Wolf Guild as his new family and was going to be with them in days to come.
3 years, 11 months ago
12 Apr 2021 21:26 CEST
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