So much stuff to do. But look! I drew this today. Nobody asked for this thing, but its drawn anyway.
Also, in case you are asking yourself why am I not drawing the stuff I'm supposed to be drawing. The answer is, I'm not drawing anything at all. So stop haunting me in my sleep! Stupid requests.
Also two, if you are asking yourself why I'm not drawing anything at all. Multiple reasons. First, Team Fortress 2 is quite addicting. Second, Portal 2 puzzle maker is quite addicting. Third, anime in general is quite addicting. Fourth, IRC is quite addicting. Fifth, huh... wait... there is also... oh yeah, sleeping. Sleeping is very very addicting. Once I'm sleep I cant get myself to wake up until I'm done with my sleeping business. And as of today I slept 16 hours. Thats just how much of a sleep addict I am. Maybe I should consult a doctor. Playing games so much cant be healthy.
Also 3, if you are asking yourself why I use the word also so much I have started to number them, there is no reason at all. Also, I like saying also.
Also 4, I don't think my handwriting is that bad. So let us assume its the tablet that cant handle my alsome handwriting skills.
12 years, 10 months ago
13 May 2012 04:33 CEST
Initial: 92016ced05821893bcd6b3067b9693a1
Full Size: 09997ae171b0c4ce1f1a7d327c7c93a7
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