not in this City all your food is good and no one is Discouraged from participating in contribution. but out in the Wastes you are left with what you can find.. I was thinking of food that was Commercially canned or Preserved.. as depicted in Misbegotten Kittens 3x01 there they are digging trough the trash to find food..
not in this City all your food is good and no one is Discouraged from participating in contribution.
Also, Esperanza's Penal System focuses on rehabilitation rather than on piling up criminals away. As subtly depicted on 3x03, former criminals can safely rejoin society after proper psychological treatment to contain their sociopathy. If a subject is so far off that they cannot be rehabilitated by any means, sadly they are not fit to rejoin society and must be humanely disposed of, but that is always considered a last resort. That process will be shown in chapter 5.
Also, Esperanza's Penal System focuses on rehabilitation rather than on piling up criminals away. As
yeah I used to watch a series called Blakes 7 and they referred to these people as Criminal psychopaths.. they enjoy the acts of killing and committing crimes, people like Ernie pickford (Canadian Rapist murderer, Pig Farmer 25 Confirmed murders suspected of over 200 Killings over 40 years) and Charles Ray (Boston Strangler) two extremes of that Idea of Rehabilitation.
yeah I used to watch a series called Blakes 7 and they referred to these people as Criminal psychopa
... Wow, I realize that to keep things running the city needs structure, but I suspect anyfur used to the Wasteland would go nuts after a few months of dealing with life in there. Maybe there's a need for scouts who spend most of their time surveying outside the City?
... Wow, I realize that to keep things running the city needs structure, but I suspect anyfur used t
If they're from the wastelands, then how did they get a criminal record?
There's a strong relationship between inequality and criminality, so I believe that circumstances are often an underlying cause for criminal behavior. Rather than punishing behaviors born from systemic problems, rehabilitation and assistance are more warranted.
If they're from the wastelands, then how did they get a criminal record? There's a strong relations
I've read several interesting papers that treat violent crime like communicable diseases. They tend to report a fair bit of success using things like contact tracing and counseling intervention. It goes back to the adage that violence begets violence.
Non violent crime also increases with stressors such as poverty. These are less covered in the literature, though, so my opinions on them has less scientific backing.
I know rather little about the setting or characters portrayed here. Is there a deeper background, or are these people/places created for this comic only?
I've read several interesting papers that treat violent crime like communicable diseases. They tend
You can learn a lot more about the society of my comic if you read it from the beginning. These characters however are mostly new.
You can learn a lot more about the society of my comic if you read it from the beginning. https://ww
She was born in Madeira, but her family moved to Australia at a young age. Also the information Esperanza can gather from the outside can sometimes be flawed. Also I sometimes screw up.
She was born in Madeira, but her family moved to Australia at a young age. Also the information Espe