i made a race of keronians based on tigers who evolved on an isolated keronian colony to adapt to survive in cold climate and hunt in forested mountains. they collectively call themselves the ‘snow tribe’. they were rivals to the ‘forest tribe’ frogs, who evolved in a dense jungle on a different part of the same planet and are based on poison dart frogs. unfortunately the planet colony was repossessed by the keronian home world and sold to another alien empire, so now all snow tribe frogs who left voluntarily were forced to live in a shitty refugee camp on the outskirts of the same solar system as keron. everyone who stayed on the planet died, including pretty much the entire forest tribe who stayed to fight for their forest.
the first pic are three siblings (left to right) garrarra, pawawa, and banchocho. in the second pic banchocho is getting ready to style his hair in his family’s new home.
3 years, 9 months ago
24 Mar 2021 20:53 CET
Initial: 7cec162bfa6d8869fec5b9f7a76b159a
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