It's a small world after all
Not for the first time since hooking up with potter, Malfoy found himself wondering if the brunette's deep pockets and wonderful vigor under the covers really was worth some of the messed up things he was into.
because really, Draco handled the first few kinks with ease. who didn't like a good paddling now and then? and a nice big enema could be fun and do wonders for your bowels!
But then it started to get odder and odder and what should of been giant red flags were just ignored when they realllly shouldn't of been. Hence why today Draco found himself shrunk down to the size of a shrimpy 8 year old..and dressed like a 1 year old.
He was in black and green light up sneakers, with green socks and then a SHORT pair of black shorts with green trim on the waist and legs,that puffed out from padding Draco was wearing under them, and the shorts had a teddy bear with a green Mohawk on either side.
The t-shirt had the same bear on it, but the T-shirt was green with black trim on the waist, neck and sleeves and had the bear saying 'rock on all my little buddies!' as it was apparently a charter from some local baby show called teddy rocks.
His blond hair had been grown the cut and fashioned into a mushroom cut and all and all he was less the happy.
"Your a git, you know that right?" Draco asked harry as they walked from the parking lot towards the green grass of the park.
"I know I know..but a lovable git who's going to spoil you SO long as your a good boy today." Harry said as now on the green, they headed for the play structures.
"oh why wouldn't I be a good boy? I'm only a 24 year old man the size of a 8 year old and dressed like a 2 year old. why would I be in a mood to cause chaos and torment?" Draco huffed and chuckled, having some veryyyy evil plans.
step one, find a group of preschooler and tell them the truth about saint nick. step two would be tel-
"Right about that. if your a total pain in the ass BRAT, We'll be coming back here tomorrow, with you normal sized and WISHING you had something as mature and cool as that outfit on." Harry said, interrupting Draco's train of thought.
'..DAMN IT!' Draco whined mentally.
"I was never really gonna do anything." Draco lied out loud and Harry just smirked.
"well I suppose it's not a lie if you behave." He said, picking out a picnic table for him to sit at and read, and before taking his book out of the diaper bag he'd brought, he took out a plastic pail and shovel and pointed over to where he wanted Draco to play first: the sandbox.
Draco rolled his eyes but his was not to argue in this case, at least till Harry whistled and got the attention of all the other parents and kids around and waved Draco back over.
before with everyone all distracted, ignoring him he hadn't worried so much about how much his diaper showed/crinkled, but now with all eyes on him..
Draco was red faced and whining as he got over to Harry.
"Now now, none of that. this is what YOU'VE been begging ME for for a month.. no take backies little man. and you almost forgot your paci." Harry said and then clipped a green and black paci to Draco's chest and then popped the nipple in Draco's mouth, kissing red faced boys burning forehead.
"Love you little guy." Harry said and then turned Draco around and with a firm pat or too on the tush sent the blond towards the sandbox.
Naturally the other parents wanted to know what was going on, why was Harry's son in diapers and all that jazz.
Making use of the fact that there were all muggles and a charm to enhance well..his charms, Harry had them buying every line of the bullshit story he was coming up with on the spot.
"So yeah, about month and a half ago I come home and there's my so called big boy who whined to be allowed to stay home without a baby sitter..and he's wearing a homemade diaper made out of towels safety pins and a prayer." Harry was saying. "Little Draco looks up at me and squeaks out 'daddy!' and then the laxatives he'd taken combined with the shock..welll yeah. "
the other parents chuckled and nodded.
"So getting him all cleaned up, we have a talk and he says he misses being treated like a little guy and wanted the full experience..which included this trip to the park..Among a few other things." Harry said.
Draco glared over at Potter and while he couldn't make out what was being said, he was positive 90 percent of it was bullshit. His own reception at the sandbox had not been as fun, with two 5 year olds that at his current size looked semi fordable, blocked his entrance.
"Sorry, ya gotta be potty trained ta get in here." Said the left boy, with dirty blond hair.
"mmmfffh mm fffmmm." Draco protested around his paci.
he knew from experience that removing it on his own was a bigggg nay nay.
"pffft, what are you trying to say diaper boy?" the other kid asked, a brown haired boy who reached and tugged the paci out of Draco's mouth.
"Phleg..I said I AM potty trained!" Draco huffed.
"Right..mister massive pampers and a dummy is potty trained. Blond said, rolling his eyes.
"I-I'm not diapered!" Draco lied. for some reason suddenly it felt super important to get into the sand box. "I-I just have a MASSIVE butt!"
the younger boys exchanged a look, but just because they were young that didn't mean they were stupid.
"Alright dummy boy, we'll give you a chance to prove your claim. drop your shorts." Brown said.
"I..What!?!" Draco yelped, wetting himself a little.
"You heard him. if your NOT a diaper wearing baby then you'll be in undies. So drop your shorts and show us!" the Blond said and then moved in. "or we could take'em ourselfs."
"N-No! wait It's ok! I don't need to play in th-" Draco yelped and turned away to waddle back to Harry when he felt the waistline on his shorts being grabbed by two sets surprisingly strong hands.One pair went to the left and one pair to the right and the poor shorts that had been struggling to maintain the bulk of Draco's diaper ripped wide open.
Now everyone on the playground could see the sesame street print diapers Draco was wearing, and watch as Big bird, cookie monster and others faded from the front.
"Bobby Micheal Landrew!" Roared a blond lady.
Ike James Jone!" Added in a brunette.
the five year olds went from looking happy and high fiving, having been about to torment the diaper baby but then heard their mothers voices.
"run?" Bobby asked.
"Run." Ike agreed and so they did, though were caught in short order.
All of this was a back round blur to Draco as with his nappy on display and the laughs and giggles coming up he could feel his bowels kicking into over drive.
'N-Not here..not now....' Draco thought, seeing people come into focus as he henched over and let out a loud fart.
"Is he going to.." Came a girls voice.
"Bwhahahaha what a loser!"
"gross big baby."
"Poor kid, "
all this and more filled Draco's head and as a large load started to fill the back of his diapers he threw back his head to bawl for daddy, but harry was already there, hugging him.
"Shhh it's ok." Harry coo'ed.
He was still waiting on Draco to finish loading his diaper., be a little more stable before he moved him for for his diaper change.
"I'm pooping my diapie." Draco whimpered and whined, hugging Harry and burying his face in Harry's shoulder.
"well I didn't think you smelled like this all the time." Harry joked and got a small chuckle out of Draco.
"your not funny." Draco said and sniffled and rubbed a eye, looking like any other upset little boy coming around, trying to keep a pouty face but flashing toothy grins instead.
"Well Humor is tricky like that. Ready for me to move you little guy?" Harry asked.
Draco bit his lip and looked over his shoulder at the massive load he'd made, the diaper was sagging big time, and gulped.
"Is it even gonna stay ON till we get back to the car?" Draco asked.
"welll good news and bad news on that front." Harry said, having already figured out what was just dawning on Draco. "Bad news, no it won't hold up till the car. Good news: it'll hold up till we get to the picnic table."
He went quiet to let that sink in and watched Draco's face. confusion played on it at first, then slowly a dawning, ..there we go he figured it out and then a even worse all face red blush took over and Draco yelled.
"YOU ARE -NOT- CHANGING ME IN PUBLIC,ON THAT TABLE! YOUR JUST NOT!" As he yelled and huff, stomping a foot Harry had to bite his touge to keep from laughing.
the other adults and kids didn't have to be that polite so the park filled with the sound of laughter again as Draco glare and huffed, stomping his feet as he screamed at everyone to stop laughing at him.
harry noticed one of Draco's shoelaces had come undone and went to yell out a warning but it was too late. tripping forward Draco showed a amazing amount of agility to turn it into a roll of sorts and ended up sitting on his squishy butt, mouth open and eye twitching.
"I-I shoulda..taken..the blow to the noggin." He whined and conked out from humiliation overload.
Draco woke up and rubbed his eyes, then slowly opened them.
"Man, Ron you would not believe the nightmare i-" Was what Draco was trying to say but as he got his eyes opened he realized he was looking up at the the park.
which meant that his horrible humiliating nightmare wasn't a nightmare, it had really happened!!!
Looking around he noticed there were a lot of the other parents semi surrounding the table though some of the older kids were there too.
'what are they..' Draco wondered then it dawned on him. 'Of course, they're making a human wall so no one can just walk by and see my junk..'
with that grim reminder Draco sat up some to look down, realizing he had his paci in his mouth.
"Hey sleep head, we're just about done. I was starting to think you were gonna waste the rest of the day in sleepy town." Harry coo'ed.
"mmmffh mmk."Was Draco's witty reply.
with Draco all cleaned up and the two boys who had made him basically mess forced to carry the dirty diaper to the furthest away trash can,It was time for Draco's next diaper.
His junk had been on display for a little longer then he was comfortable with (and that was a clock that only went at micro seconds) and as a breeze blew over the lunch table Draco's little nub twitched once..twice.. then a spurt of pee came out and Harry BARELY ducked out of the way.
"Knew I should of brought the pee guard." Harry chuckled and Draco whined and wiggled.
spotting a stuffie not that far away Draco snagged the stuffed bear and put it over his face to hide.
"Aww it's ok little guy. happens to big babies like you. at least you didn't hit anyone." Harry coo'ed and rubed Draco's tummy.
'not helping!' Draco thought though that was somewhat of a lie.
the tummy rubs felt nice.
With Draco re-diapered and it being somewhat MORE bulky then the las, He was forced to full on toddle like a 1 year old while trying to go anywhere in the park.
This meant he'd take all of 7-10 steps, slowly, arms out for balance and ended up plopping on his butt while the crowd watched and chuckled.
ALSO super not helping was the fact that harry had decided since everyone had seen Draco's diapers, why bother with the spare shorts to cover them up?
when Draco when to polity (Read: Have a fit) over this and demanded cover, Harry had held up a skirt and Draco shut up fast.
After falling on his butt for the 20th time Draco just stayed there, sitting on the grass and arms crossed while Harry and the parents laughed..and the other kids didn't exactly hold back either.
"Awww what's wrong buddy?"
"Done falling on my butt!" Draco huffed and pouted, then pointed to the sand box. "Carry me!"
this, while meant to show everyone Draco wasn't a roll over and Harry was his bitch..instead got MORE laughter as Harry signed.
"Well I suppose." he teased and lifted Draco up and carried him over.
After setting him down in the sandbox and making sure Draco was good, Harry decided to stay with him to make sure that no more bullies came over.
Draco was blushing, fuming and mad, but as he played in the sandbox he felt all of that just drifting away as he lost himself in the fun.
Making sand castles and showing them off to harry he really did feel like a little boy more then once.
Including when anther boy, a 6 year old who had a pull up sticking out of the top of his shorts asked if he could join in.
For the next few hours the pair of not quite potty trained boys took over the sandbox with Harry and the boys dad hitting it off and the only break being for juice boxes and cookies.
The only downside for Harry as Draco made a big baby buddy was while Tyler and his dad were nice, there was a whollle park he had wanted Draco to explore.
Still with Draco in a natural little mode Harry couldn't break himself to break it up and there WAS always tomorrow anyhow.
"Draco buddy, time to go." Harry called as the sky was turning orange in the evening.
Draco naturally, pretended not to hear him and kept playing with the dino's that Tyler had brought to the sandbox.
"Draco Malfoy Potter, I'm speaking to you." Harry said again.
in the sandbox Tyler was trying to get Draco's attention, apparently it going over the kids head Draco was ignoring him on purpose. Tyler's dad was watching in amusement.
"Draco unless you wanna be my little baby girl for the rest of the summer, out of that sand box now." Harry said and fought back a laugh at how Draco froze hearing that and then there was a puff of loose sand going up from a muffled fart.
"Uhhh Tyler it was nice meeting you, I think it's time for me and daddy to go home." Draco said quickly and turned to waddle out of the sand box only to plop back on his butt.
between the girth of it before, multiple wetting and the sand that had ended up in the diaper, Draco was helpless!
"D-Daddy! Help!" Draco whined.
'...that's in, I'm never letting him be big again. too damn cute.' Harry thought and came over, picking Draco up hands under his shoulders and eyes flashing.
Just like that Draco's face scrunched up and his bowels went into over drive as he was there in Harry's arms.
"A-Ah Daddy daddy I'm gonna-" Draco tried to yell out a warning but instead let out a massive loud fart that echoed and then with Tyler and his dad getting a good view, filled his diaper with massive lumps, crying out and gasping as they made their way out.
"You're gonna what?" Harry asked, laughing and pulling the smelly boy in. Draco glared and went to answer but his paci was popped back into his mouth.
"I know what your doing silly. too bad I got to bring any changes with me beyond that first one." Harry lied. "You'll just have to ride home stinky..of do you wanna stop for a happy meal on the way home?" Harry was asking now, heading for the car and bouncing Draco on his hip now.
"...Want nuggets n fries." Draco mewed.
"Good boy~"
The end