This is a new SHADOW member for my Seigi no Senshi Captain-Japan fan project.
Lord Strash 主ストラッシュ: Lord-Strash is the leader of a small branch of the SHADOW organization, called SHADOWCore. He is a young rabbit/bat/moth hybrid mutant who is one of Lord-Destruction's students and a "True-SHADOW". He is a telepath, he can also fly and has superhuman strength, he also has razor-sharp talons and has a pistol called the Fang-Buster. He's a excitable and eager young commander but is also calm and cunning since he is quite smart and is very happy to be part of the organization.
He also has his own horde of Raptor ラプター grunts that are armed with short-swords as their weapons.
4 years ago
04 Mar 2021 20:31 CET
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