There are few people you can consider actual friends when you go through school. That much is a given, but when you’re altered in any way it’s worse. Most people have about twenty friends (if they’re lucky enough) but I only had about six. And when was the usual time in high school to meet and talk with friends; Lunch, the single greatest thing to ever be created (other than Atomite and the C.U.R.E. of course) And for some reason it reminded me of a bible verse “and as I walked through the valley of shadows…” which is all I can remember of that phrase (or was it verse) from my time going to church. One thing I don’t get about the church is that they say “we love everyone” but the cold reality of it is that if you’re different from them in the slightest they have a tendency to turn against you, and in a small city like Sunnyside word goes around rather fast. And when I say fast I mean FAST. But I’m getting off topic, back to lunch. But the phrase really did mean something here; another thing you can see at lunch is the bullies (Mostly Wolf (who was ironically a human) and Fox, the thief.) Fox was your average stalker type who would go onto the internet and even into the school’s computer network if he had to. As I walked over to “our table” and sat down like usual something, or someone rather, caught my eye, and his past time was stalking. “Hey skye!” a rusty colored tabby names Katt greeted. Her name was Kathrin but in a coincidence her species was also a cat! She’s the upbeat one of the group, even when she’s sad she’ll do whatever it takes to cheer everyone else up. “We heard about your little incident with Xavier, you know Mr. X, tell us what happened.” Ryan asks, well ask isn’t the right word, more like told. Ryan is Fox’s brother and is a gossip junky and finds this kind of stuff way too fast. We met when we were in seventh grade after my family decided on the cure. I thought for sure he’d turn me away like everyone else who wasn’t turned but he was nice and let me vent when I needed to. At the time he was still a human but had some sort of heart thing and couldn’t be a part of gym class, not that I could either just saying. After he didn’t show up at school one day I went to his house. It was a really nice medium sized, pure white house, too bad we all ended up in Sunnyside. But it turned out he had a heart attack and was being prepped for C.U.R.E. treatment. I remember feeling really happy but it was a bittersweet happy, like the kind you get after you find out a cancer patient was just given a few extra yeas to live. You feel happy because they can live just a little longer but bad that they still have an expiration date in the near future. I got a ride from a friend, well, you already know about her. I should say I got a ride from katt, who I’d known since I was only in kindergarten. Anyway, long story short we went to the hospital and the docter told us he had undergone C.U.R.E. Next up to greet me were the Jeffree twins. They were two extremely cute snow leopards that could get away with just about anything if they tried hard enough. We met about the same time I met Ryan. I still don't know much other than their names, ages, and how to tell them apart. Both of them were 16 and Alex has blue chestfur while Adam had white chestfur. And finally there was Mathew Greene. He was a wolf like me but he was a bit more rebelious and was one of the three who had a religion. He was the leader of our little band of "changed" and did a rather good job of it, even if he did try to talk me into going to church a few times. He was a walking contradiction, he hated going into things without evidence but he also followed that book to the point. Now that that's out of the way I'll explain the rest of my ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N- It is the beginning of the chapter but I haven't had time or drive to finish here ya go...