Golden Harvest with a harvest of carrots as reference to her fan name. Here's her card's info: LUBT-EN005: My Plump Pony Pal Golden Harvest LIGHT | Plump Pony Pal-Type Tuner | Level 2 | ATK 0 | DEF 2000 Cannot be Special Summoned from the Deck. If this card would become Synchro Material for the Synchro Summon of a "My Plump Pony Pal" Synchro Monster: You can use 1 "My Plump Pony Pal" monster in your Deck as one of the Synchro Materials, but banish the Synchro Monster when it leaves the field. You can only use this effect of "My Plump Pony Pal Golden Harvest" once per turn. (Rare)