Nothing is more pleasant to a teenager than to grab the rocket-car on a Friday evening and fly on over to the drive-in for a burger and shake and some playful flirting with the cute carhop that always gives you a free pudding cup and a wink. ❤️
Teenage Neill is delighted to visit the drive-in where Josie, the cutest carhop on rocket-skates, is more than happy to be his server and give him a good time flirting and giggling and being adorable. They're young, they're healthy and they're full of spirit! Hehehe, the joys of being a typical teenager in a small Moon colony town and enjoying your free time with beauty and good flavours.
, who can rock traditional art materials and design cool vehicles, cute girls, handsome lads and incredible places and sights that take your breath away. Highly recommended, Top 1 Artists on Inkbunny!
I absolutely love this. The old-school raygun gothic style of sci-fi is right up my particular alley, and that is one spiffy looking car. And one handsome teenage wolfy! Not to mention a gorgeous mousie car-hop! It's no wonder our hero is so smitten with her, and they do make a charming picture as they flirt with each other. That waggy wolf tail is a wonderful detail, too, and I so totally want Josie's planet earrings!
I absolutely love this. The old-school raygun gothic style of sci-fi is right up my particular alley
I also love the retro-futuristic Jetsons-style 1950's idea of what the year 2000 would be like. Such nice car designs and clothes!
And Josie is a cutie! I really love this style and want to get more of it eventually. I wonder what kind of cute outfit Flavia would be put into by Sydney bun in a future picture. And Grace and Megan, and the other girls as well. <3
Aww, thank you dear Megan! I also love the retro-futuristic Jetsons-style 1950's idea of what the y