Its exactly as the title says.... Me in the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic universe as... well a pony.
This artwork was generously drawn for free by a friend named scoots from the EQRG, a MLP gaming group my mate got me into. He did this in a series to give new members and members with out a avatar, something to use and is probably no longer doing it.
I loved how it turned out, unfortunately due to him running out of time he had to draw me as a pony instead of a dragon from the universe since his break was over/ending.
For the record.... I AM NOT A BRONY! please do not refer to me as such, I just have friends who are AND before you ask, I have watched a few episodes and no I didnt like it enough to watch the entire series... Sorry.
Use of Goldobsidian or this picture with out my permission is strictly Forbidden.
3 years, 11 months ago
19 Feb 2021 05:39 CET
Initial: f2520c477fa8e68b67f5b94c5aa92252
Full Size: 81b475252e4c7e68cbff416b9b0a54d7
Large: 81b475252e4c7e68cbff416b9b0a54d7
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