Character Sheet for Infinite
Character Description
Infinite was a thief leader to his own little group who would rob from the rich and keep for themselves. One day Shadow and his concubines were enjoying a day in the market, when a ruby caught Shadows eye as he was about to buy it Infinite had taken it from his hand thinking he would make the escape he always did he felt a sudden tug on his tail, Shadow had grabbed his tail and then pinned him to the ground he was surprised by this and looked to find his group who had already been caught but unlike them, Infinite was taken and made into Shadow’s concubine it took some time but he finally accepted his fate but as a reminder of how he came to be, Shadow gifted him the very ruby he tried to steal.
Likes: His fellow Concubines, watermelon, Gadget
Dislikes: Eclipse, his former life/current, the ruby
Infinite grew up in a lower class family, with his friends he made they created a well known thieves guild, they would go about robbing the rich and those in the middle class, and at a well known farmers market.
At this market Infinite had the unfortunate run in with Shadow and had been placed as his concubine with arguments. He was very defiant when he was first placed, but after getting to know his new fellow Concubines and getting to enjoy the luxuries he was now given, he slowly and still growing to like his new life.
Mother: (unknown)
Father: (unknown)
Siblings: (Arrested)
Master: Shadow
Currently lives with Shadow
Black fur with white muzzle and stripes
Simple clothing with stockings
Special ruby gifted to him by Shadow, Shadows gem