Okay, so i was listening to Out Here, by Pendulum, and decided that I was gonna gear down for the night, go smoke a cigar, and get ready for bed. I paused the music, closed Hexagon, and happened to look over at the WMP screen, where I saw this little number here. For some reason, i instantaneously see Selene here in a very... sensuous pose. I happen to love seeing a woman in this particular pose, and having her in mind? Priceless. If you look at the text, however, you will see the standard notes I leave myself for when I find inspiration of any form.
You can expect a picture of this soon. ^_^
12 years, 10 months ago
02 May 2012 11:36 CEST
Initial: a59a57dbd372586b95a9354cd396d187
Full Size: b811bd350c4761c9ddb899267d9f33a5
Large: 241a4448fdfc50877a184035cdf04055
Small: 8ae71261aa7b65ce99a4bbaef8a4eb1e
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