What's this? A shoeless Fini? You'd be right! Part of the Gaia Warrior Scourge RP, this mysterious man showed up as we discussed Earth-alternates. Unlike the Mobius version, Finitevus was always a white-furred echidna, and studies ancient sources of energy for research to replace fossil fuels. The 'markings' on his head are actually pieces of machinery that got lodged into his skull after a freak accident with a Nightmare. Unharmed aside from that, it's revealed he has a rather close history with Knuckles' father, Locke.
Similarly to Knuckles, Finitevus doesn't like wearing shoes, but wears bandages around his ankles and heels to protect them while leaving the rest of his feet exposed so he can still feel the ground against his skin. He's never without his trusty laptop, which he uses to log all sorts of important data.