Justin walked around his home, bored outta his mind, unable to motivate himself to do much of anything.
It was then he spotted a small grey mouse scurrying about his kitchen, nibbling at crumbs of food.
Grabbing the mouse by the tail, Justin was simply gonna toss the little guy outside, even as the rodent tried to communicate with him, but just then a thought sparked in Justin's mind, a very naughty thought that sent a pleasing shiver through his body.
Taking the mouse to his bed, he proceeded to play with the mouse with his talons, enjoying as the rodent struggled against his soles.
----- Figured I introduce you to something that got me quite inspired off of [fa:fandroit]'s anthro birds: Harry. And here's some info for ya:
[Note, he would most likely look in the similar style as Fandroit's anthro bird design art style, but that can be discussed.]
His legs are black and are like those of any self-respecting eagle or crow. His claws are black, and his feet are grey with black claws. Each of his feet has three front toes and a back toe. He has a yellow beak, and his eyes are brown. In his mouth, he has a red tongue. And he has beautiful orange feathers all over his body, except on the belly where it is yellow. He's even got orange and yellow accented wings, but he mostly hides them so he looks like a normal anthro bird. Yes, he's also got a black bird cock. [His teeth inside his beak are similar to a human's, although hardly noticeable. (And probably has meat scraps stuck to his teeth.) The teeth are optional if you don't want to add it in there.] He has grey bird hands with black claw tips at the tips of his 4 fingers per hand. His head has a hairstyle of a mix of orange and yellow feathers. His tail is orange and yellow, with a black stripe that goes through the middle of the orange and yellow feathers. His voice may either have a British or an Australian dialect.
For his clothing, he normally wears a dark red shirt with brown shorts, or a green shirt under his grey vest with dark blue jeans. He might also wear a blue hoodie if it's pretty cold, along with grey sweatpants. He normally walks barefoot, but he also does have black footgloves he wears as an option.
Personality wise, he's pretty cool and likes to hang out with his friends. When it comes to dealing with micros, he can be pretty dominant over them. Mostly cause he likes to toy with the tiny humans. :p While he may seem short, he definitely isn't really short, just normal sized. That's not to say that any who thinks that he may be short got a taste of being underfoot.