In the countryside of Kanto was a peaceful little town. In the traditional cemetary of the village was living a kind and facetious Haunter, said to protect the last home of the ancestors. Every townsfolk, kids as much as elders, knew and liked him, he was part of the town. A town without a gym, or anything to draw the attention of outsiders, and without trouble. People and pokémons were quite content with that fact. Except one. Having bought the local company which was employing a lot of the inhabitants, he was the wealthiest man around, and was seeing everything as a business, including this small town lost in the countryside. He had big plans : razing the forest to build luxuous hotels, replace the useless old houses and the ugly cemetary by a modern shopping center, attract fancy businesses from all around the region… But each time, his attempts were hindered by that damn Haunter! He would play spooky pranks on the construction sites, sabotage them, scare off potential customers. The ghost was indeed very unhappy with how this haughty cityman was treating his town. It was soon clear to the latter that in order to achieve his goals, he needed to teach that pokémon his place. Fortunately the businessman had contacts with people who could help. All he had to do was to sell shares of his business to a rather shady organization and promise them to let a very special nightclub open in town. Captured by surprise with the help of technology he had no idea of, poor Haunter was then put through very invasive operations and re-education to make the pokémon harmless and... easier on the eye. The businessman was very happy with the result, presented before him in his brand new office. So much that despite the offer of his « associates » to put the bimbofied Haunter to work in the recently open stripclub, he decided to keep her for himself.
It took some time for Haunter to get used to modern life as a trophy wife, but she embraced it after she finally bid farewell to the old world. She was still as naughty as ever, but in a way that was much more to the liking of her man~