Here is a little gift that I drew for my friend DarkblueFire Lunamoon over at DeviantArt: darkbluefirelunamoon and Furaffinity: darkbluefire of him and me getting up-close and personal with Simba's big musky footpaws. X//3
As always this submission contains: 1. The CLEAN English version. 2. The MUSKY English version. 3. The Dutch version / De Nederlandse versie. 4. The NO-SFX / Exploitable version. 5. The Original sketch.
En ja, ik heb iets met voeten / pootjes. Vooral wanneer ze zo groot zijn dat ze je kunnen overschaduwen als een klein nietig insect. Mix dat met een schattig dominant jong welpje (zoals Simba hier) en mijn voorliefde is compleet. <3 <3 <3
Dankjewel voor het compliment Erik!! <3 En ja, ik heb iets met voeten / pootjes. Vooral wanneer ze
I like the musky/dirty version more, makes you feel that they really have to earn their new roles. Though considering how small they are, wouldn't Simba just be their new god?
I like the musky/dirty version more, makes you feel that they really have to earn their new roles. T
Same here~ which is why I made the musky version, sadly not everyone likes dirt/musk which is why I made it seperately. ^^ You're right though, this way they do have something to work towards. :3
Same here~ which is why I made the musky version, sadly not everyone likes dirt/musk which is why I