Due to how haphazardly I put this together, there may be some things I left off but again, if you have any questions then feel free to ask! I will be updating the description of this post if any new things pop up that I should mention that I will do or won't do.
One thing I should mention, if you would like a commission then DM me and we can talk about your prompt, the price, amount of words, and the characters involved. We can even trade as an option! I must have the payment, through PayPal (Link I'll send through DM), prior to me starting though.
Well, considering the hypothetical amount of money I would be getting as well as having a nice work habit, I would definitely call that a dream come true. It just depends on the subject matter, as well as any irl issues that could come up that would turn it from dream to nightmare.
The only current problem with that situation I have, is feeling like I am not bringing enough experience to the table. That I need to personally write more stories, whether my own or made for others, before even attempting such a task like that.
Well, considering the hypothetical amount of money I would be getting as well as having a nice work