Mario and Ruby+Sakuya=Mario Sakuya and Izayoi Ruby. Mr.M and my original character Ms.R+Sakuya=Izayoi Mr.M and Izayoi Ms.R. This is page 3 is Ruby she said:Mario,we are maid now. And the dark is Mr.M and Ms.R (Actually is Ruby) them 2 is the darkest maid. I hope you like it,and please comment and fav if Mario was Sakuya all 3 page,and i like Jewelpet,too. But i choiced is Mandarin version on BIlibili. Jewelpet Season 1 mandarin version (Full episodes of 52) Jewelpet Season 2 mandarin version (Full episodes of 50)
Ruby (c) jewelpet Mario and Mr.M (c) nintendo Ms.R (c) me