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DKPC 20th Anniversary

Meet Okelani
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A Reminder
All Hail the Queen
First in pool
All Hail the Queen
Notes - three of the characters are in a black and white Manga style, this is intentional, as, from what I can tell, there is no color ref of these characters, but I still love how they came out
Characters(Kaleb, Tyler, Izzy, Rin, Juley, Estephine, Elis, Sodie, Kelsie) belong to

Art by the unbelievable
, who was able to get this amazing set done on such short notice


20 years is a long time
It's enough time to see a child be born and graduate high school, enough time to start as one kind of person and end a completely different person, enough time to watch the world fall into and crawl back out from the brink of destruction... multiple times

Enough time... to create a series of worlds and characters, that those lucky enough to witness, will never forget
...and I will never forget them

(contrary to what I just said, I have a poor memory and am thinking off the top of my head as I write this, so please excuse any wrong details or drawn out talk, I'm sure there's a better way of wording all this, but I'm writing it in one go)

Donut Kitty
- For those unaware, DKPC stands for Donut Kitty Production Creations, or more commonly DKP Creations, and this is where it all began, now, I didn't have the pleasure of reading this when it first released, and I'll be honest, at that period of time, I would have taken one look at it, and immediately left, but after years of maturing and growing into a more understanding person, I...

- ground zero, where it all started, where I/We all fell in love, a series that in it's run has made us laugh and occasionally cry(I tear up every time I read the Valentines day chapter, and I've read this series easily (over)a dozen times)
- it was a weird time for me, I was fresh in the community(not the furry community mind you) and I was big into a comic by the name of School Days, some of you may be familiar, and lo and behold, on a page in chapter 2, I see two cute twins, and at the top of the page read ©Tyler Davasel, I thought to myself, heh, I'll check them out, and I find a bunch of stuff on their FA account, all throughout the gallery were a bunch of simple non colored sketchy comics and I was innitially disappointed, I had prefered clean colored comics, but I really liked the few colored pics that were there, so I gave them a watch(I'd always been loose on my follows), soon I was getting new submissions of this comic, and i started considering unwatching them, so one day, I randomly clicked on a page, I really enjoyed the Raccoon, and the Kangaroo(if only I knew) was hilarious, so I decided to go back and read the comic, this is where I learned there were a few comics, but I wanted to just stick with this one for now, I got to witness the antics of our Queen, Isabelle and her twin brother Taylor, their friends, Rebecca, Jules, Scooter, and Rex, I really enjoyed it, and continued to catch any new page, and along the way, I accidentally stumbled upon thekzx's page(more indeph on this is in my Sugna: SVU submission, but long story short, his art allowed me to look past my own ignorance and see that there is beauty in all art, and in doing so, made viewing "Tyler's" stuff infinitly more enjoyable), granted to say, I was stunned, he got an instant follow, and so I went on with my days, I had many comics I was into in those days, so I didn't think much of it, and I had read all the other comics on Tyler's page and of course, any comics/images kzx gifted us with, but on Nov 24 2010, something happened, It was on this day kzx announced he was moving to a new website, and of course, I immediately followed, which lead to over 10 wonderful years here on IB, and of course, We got to meet so many more characters, Miranda, Cotter and of course, Ilsa(a character I have come to admire for also helping me grow and appreciate characters I once looked at and didn't bother to invest any extra thought into), and while it's been a while since we got to see any new official adventures, I believe, the sun shines bright on Tavindale's future

Edo Tails
- this one is cool, growing up, one of my favorite animes was Inuyasha, and I was reading manga from time to time, so with the comic being set in what resembled Feudal Japan, I was hooked, we got to meet Rin, his little brother Chiba, and along the way, Satsuki, I really enjoyed the combat and mystery that was developing, and it wasn't until later in life(even though it started with Happy Tree Friends) that I learned I have a small thing for the mixture of cute and violence, so cute little Raccoon boi slicing dudes up, yeah, easy sell for me

- can't say much on this one, it was short, too short, but the possibilities for this are staggering, such a large and diverse cast, each with their own path, who knows where this could/will go

Protostar Zero
- this is another short one, only getting about a chapter in, but in that time it set up alot, with Estephine playing the role of rebel daughter to a corporate big shot, who is not afraid to harm his own daughter, both physically and emotionally, and this one holds a deep significance to me, because it was here that I learned that in some way, The worlds were connected, a theme, that I would come to love immensely, even adapting it into my stories, to have some connection, be it big or miniscule

- if I told you I loved McInTots, well I Adore Ghelis, It is probably their most polished series, jam packed with funny and witty characters, an immensely interesting world, crazy and kooky villains, and is just soo much fun to read
- To iterate a couple things, there is a character in here that at first, I really didn't like, his humor going over my head, and because of the household I grew up in, I automatically hated him, but after coming to love Ilsa, I went back to Ghelis and it was like he was a drastically different character, and now, while still not my favorite, I can say he is a very funny and likeable character, and it wasn't until years later i realised Ilsa was responsible, the other and this is a minor spoiler, there is a character in volume 2, they only have one chapter, and honestly, they don't do a whole lot, but then something happens to them and I felt genuine worry and sadness for them, if that isn't a sign of amazing writing and character design, I don't know what is

Sodie & Fizzl
- a newer entry, relatively speaking, Again, very short, but packed with so much charm it's crapping marshmallows, Sodie is just so fascinating to watch, and I do mean watch, the whole prologue/chapter has been animatic'd and is available on YouTube
- people will sometimes try to see themselves in the characters they enjoy, usually in a, Wish I was them, kind of way, while others see bits of themselves in said character, I see alot of traits I share with Sodie, that socially awkward kid, who likes all these things, you want to share these things with others, hoping they'll feel the same, and deep down, you know it's weird, but you try anyway, and it goes exactly as you feared, and when everyone laughs at you, you laugh along, while inside you just want to run away and hide, I connect with Sodie and while it might be a while before we see her again, it's gonna be a hell of a ride when it arrives

- this one is weird for me, not because it's bad, it's not, it's funny and crazy, and all the characters are dumb fun, but this was released when I was in a dark time in my life, having lost both of my parents to suicide, and dealing with massive depression, I kinda drifted away from the site, and stopped reading anything new, I knew there was a new comic(and the first 4 parts of Quizzy), but... I just didn't care, I stopped reading stories, stopped commenting, I all but abandoned this part of my life for several years, and I sorta feel like I missed out on the joy of discovery, commenting on each new page, it's like having that big new movie you and all your friends want to see, and it comes out this Friday, but you have to leave for a family reunion that will take all weekend, and when you return, all your friends have seen it already, they talked about everything they wanted to talk about and have moved on, ...so you do too, then when it comes out on tape, you sit down, and watch it, alone, ...and it's good, you loved pretty much all of it, but there's no one to share it with, and you could go to your friends and tell them you finally saw that movie and maybe you'll say a couple things about it and move on, so your anxiety convinces you to just stay quiet and go away, and you tell yourself it's fine, you already saw the older movies alone and just started watching the newer movies with them, you should be used to it... Fuck that, watching with others is infinitely more fun, seeing everyone's reactions, sharing in the laughs, the feels, the wows, even the idiot friend that didn't quite get what happened, after experiencing that and losing it, I don't wanna go back

The Raccooning
- Not pictured because it's a Written story and not a comic, but It has DKPC on it, so I'm including it, I can't spoil anything, but damnit it's so fucking good, easily the best book I've read in a very long time, the premise is unique, the characters are deep and interesting and extremely well written, the core relationship is easily one of the strongest they've made, no joke, this is one of the few books to make me cry my eyes out, and after finishing it, I lost sleep, I've never had that happen from a book
- Just, please, if you are a fan of any of the things listed on this page, you owe it to yourself to give this a try, It's not too long, only taking me about 8-10 total hours, and I'm a very slow reader, and it goes without saying, the more copies they sell, the more books we can look forward to, and I REALLY want more

- It's no secret that this series is important to me, I may have missed the first 7 or so years, but I am eternally grateful to have witnessed it grow as much as it has
- I don't talk about it much, but I'm Autistic, I say things in ways that are often misinterpreted, usually going to write something too fast and not thinking first, or over analyze what I said and just deleting it, I'm also Dyslexic, I spend alot of time correcting my spelling(anyone who has chatted with me can atest to that), and I want to apologize for the WallOfTextness of this, I am far from a writer, proper paragraphing is one of the things my brain just can't comprehend, no matter how hard I try, but this series(all of them) has inspired me to try and overcome all of my mental uniqueties, by trying to make my own worlds and stories, using what I learned from them, to make my characters deeper and more believable, to look into both animation and game development, so I can one day make cartoons based of these characters and worlds(as well as my own), and just maybe, make a game based on McInTots
- I truly believe that this series, has played a part in making me a better person, and even at my worst, when depression pushed me away from the only community that truly accepted me for who I am, I still found time to sit down, flip through my copies of McInTots and Ghelis, and despite everything wrong happening around me, it still managed to make me smile

I could go on for so much longer on each and evey one of these, and I fully intend on doing so eventually, but to finish, I just want to say, I know at times, with just how much work and effort you put in, It seems like some people don't understand or just don't kare, but they do, we all do, so from the bottom of my heart, to everyone involved at DKPC and to all of your fans, Past, Present and Future

Thank You,
...for 20 years of Joy
...20 years of Laughter
...and 20 years of Love

male 1,195,334, female 1,085,577, fox 248,522, canine 190,499, dog 172,295, rabbit 139,382, bunny 112,641, human 108,352, raccoon 36,742, vulpine 36,433, puppy 17,357, lapine 7,596, dingo 4,070, izzy 1,785, izzyaddiction 911, collage 473, rin 313, tyler 271, mcintots 203, cubcore 145, thekzx 142, kaleb 65, kcb 60, ghelis 29, tylerdavasel 15, elis 10, kelsie 5, juley 4, donut kitty 4, dkpc 2, edo tails 2, russett 2, protostar zero 1, estephine 1, sodie 1, raccooning 1, sodie & fizzl 1
Type: Picture Series
Published: 4 years ago
Rating: General

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4 years ago
I... I don't even know what to say...

A huge thank you and a super big hug HUG

I hope we can continue these series and give you and everyone else more n___n
4 years ago
you don't need to.say a thing, just keep being awesome <3
4 years ago
another hug
4 years ago
This is an awesome set. Happy anniversary! I'm glad I got to be there  for  much of it.

What are shirts for? *trys to read whole thing but is cut off*
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
No problem, glad you like it :)
3 years, 10 months ago
I have never heard of this before. Is it nsfw or not, just curious.
3 years, 10 months ago
for the most part it's SFW
KCB is on the line, poking fun a t Loli nsfw antics without actually crossing any lines
a couple get a bit violent, namely Edo Tails and Ghelis, but the later is more comedic
now, I do want to warn that KCB and Sodie(unless you watch the YT version) are hosted on thekzx's page as Tyler has been inactive for some time and his page is VERY NSFW
and The Raccooning is a hard R for graphic violence and sexual situations
3 years, 10 months ago
Sorry for asking.
3 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for asking
3 years, 10 months ago
Mind if I ask Why, you're sorry?
3 years, 10 months ago
I mean 20 years and I asked you if any of them had nsfw content, it just sounded rude.
3 years, 10 months ago
you weren't rude at all, it was a valid question
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