So for school I had to work with a special programm that is made to create shapes. And out of these shapes we had to design a character. This is my result and I like it. It is already version 2 but version 1 looked bad anyways.
Now greet this little deamon guy I.. I don't have a name for him jet.. Maybe you can help me. I want to build up a rooster of more diverse characters. For small artworks and maybe also comissions. I don't plan a big story, just that all ov them are from alternative dimensions/settings what ever and sort of live together. Like the old series "drawn together"
Now a bit more details about this char.
He is a gambler. A player. A high-roller. He spends most of his time in casinos, trying to win the big jakpot and to find or buy a girl to spend the night with him. And he is quite succesfull in what he is doing, thou from time to time, he get's to excited and bets everything. Also loosing everything. Including his pants.
Some folk might call him a lucky buy. And thou he has no special luck, he has one ability he uses to help his luck. As a deamon, he has a vertain power. He can see his chances. Means, when he can make a decision he can use his power to see how high the chance is to achieve a certain outcome. His power looks a bit into the future and sees all possible ways he can interact and gives him a % chance of how many ways lead to that goal. Of course the ways input into this math is in relation to their likelyhood.
So he can see how good his chances are, but he doesn't know HOW to achieve that. But if he sees that there is just a 5% win rate for the next round of Blackjack, he will very likely pass. Of course with 95% he could still loose and when he things it's a safe thing, he might loose everything.
But it doesn't end in cambling. He can use this power everywhere. For example he can see there is a 1% chance, Madlaine will fall in love with him. Thou when he just wants to fuck here, he always sees a nice 99.9% chance of succes. Most likely due to Madlaine average behaviour.
That is still something he starts to worthship. So he preferes to have her around.
So basicly he is a little deamon, who becomes quite arrogant, because of his skills, thou he often enough still fails. He loves to play and still likes the thrill of a nice risk. Sometimes to his disadvantage.
4 years, 1 month ago
28 Jan 2021 15:56 CET
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