You can say my sense of clothing style is that of a crayon box. I have 3 plain yellow shirts, 3 orange, 3 blue, bright blue pants, bright red pants, bright green jacket and a purple one, too. I am a crayon box every time I leave the house.
This has come up because I am struggling heavily to give Sin more clothing considering my terrible sense in outfits. I have not provided him with anything more than 3 clothes sets and some underwear. He needs much more than that for sure. WHo wears only three sets of... well other than me who has three sets of the same clothes. *coughs... I mean... He needs more outfits for sure.
" I am a crayon box every time I leave the house." I am shared between 2 reaction....the first one bein *ROFL* and the second one being "What the problem with that ?".
Mine are either dark blue, dark purple or black .... if you are a crayon box, i'm a hearse XP
" I am a crayon box every time I leave the house." I am shared between 2 reaction....the first one b