now for a SFW picture for once. I guess every so often I'll get out one SFW picture just to break up the constant stream of sexy. Though, perhaps this could count as it's own kind of sexy. x3
I decided that I wanted to make a more mature looking and anthromorphed version of Saryala's first born son, Rodin, and fully clothed at that. sporting an outfit reminiscent of the one worn by Ezio Auditore from Assassin's Creed 2. But sporting a few alterations just to make it fit a little more to a dragon prince of Hearthfire. sporting the royal crest, a dragon's head (seen from the front) with a jewel between it's horns, flanked by a set of stylized wings. both on the buckle binding his tunic, and the half cloak cape on his shoulder attached to a jeweled pauldron. and instead of a hood, he's got a puffy neckerchief in the collar of his garb. Plus, I liked trying to design a set of boot like 'sandals' of sorts for his digitigrade foot paws.
Any way. Enjoy this nice regal prince. ;3
4 years ago
20 Jan 2021 21:43 CET
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