Here we have some 150 Alt au, where in Ash and Scourge have a tiny baby hedgegoose named Dante~
Ash hadn't been feeling all to good so he went to go talk to Dr. Finitevus since around this time Scourge was still working for him, Finitevus hates when others assume he's close to a medical doctor or caring for any others health other the himself or Yanar. But when Ash came to talk with him and described what he's symptoms, he got curious and agreed to examine him, after some time, he finally got Ash to line down for a stomach exam finding that for some reason Ash was pregnant. Ash was really surprised to hear this, Yanar looked quite nervous to hear that his friend was in what he call a family way.
Ash had asked Finitevus if he had any way of.... termanating the pregnancy, because he felt he or even Scourge wasn't at all ready for a baby let alone a magic one, and the doctor said he would have to look into it since this was all new to even him. So for the time being Ash never told Scourge and both the doctor and Yanar never spoke of it, until one day, Finitevus sent Ash off with Scourge and the Destructix to retrieve something for his work, but during the mission something went wrong and Ash was caught in an explosion leaving behind no trace, Scourge was horrified and heartbroken that he wasn't fast enough to save him, but truth this was all part of Finitevus' plan, he had told Sleuth still leader of the Destructix at the time to make it look like something happened to Ash on the mission and to use the warp ring he gave him to teleport Ash to a secret room he had set up for him.
Reason for this was because the Doctor was never planning on helping Ash terminate the pregnancy, he wanted to study this child, exam how Ash's body would react to this change and knowing that Ash or Scourge wouldn't want this (for all he knew) he came up with a plan to keep Ash hidden to full term and continue with his experiments.
Ash was so confused when he woke up but after being told what had happened he was furious that the doctor would do this but not only that his friend Yanar was helping him even the Destructix knew about this, keeping Scourge out of the loop for the whole time.
During the pregnancy Ash wasn't eating, he would drink from time to time but other then that he protested, from taking anything the doctor or Yanar gave him which they all knew wouldn't go well for the pregnancy, so for sometime some members of the Destructix were called in to either force feed or force down food, water, vitamins down Ash's throat which helped in away with Ash gaining weight but after one exam in which Ash had to be held down, he heard his babies heart beat, in this moment Ash felt a connection with his baby, so much so that after that exam he began eating regularly taking the vitamins he was given and keeping a healthy glow.
After noticing some of Ash's changes Finitevus started noticing these same changes were happening to Yanar, turns out right when they discovered Ash was pregnant Yanar was too but didn't tell because he knew the doctor would do the same to him as he did to Ash and he was right but instead of a confined room the doctor spoiled Yanar because he knew Yanar wouldn't run away.
When the baby was born he was really tiny either due to the time Ash didn't eat the first term or he was just a tiny baby either way Ash loved him, and named him Dante.
After an incident where Yanar found out that Finitevus had forced himself on Ash, in attempt to get him pregnant again, Yanar had enough after he gave birth to their child named Zachary, he went and told Scourge (who couldn't push himself to leave and was currently wearing one of Ash's old chokers) he told him everything how the doctor faked Ash's death, how he was keeping him in a secret room in the base they were using, and how he had a son.
Scourge went on a rampage trying to find the room that Yanar told him about even forcing the Destructix to tell him where it was, finally getting his answer, he rushed down to where it was once there using the card key he had gotten off one of the Destructix, he uses it to see Ash on the floor playing with what looked to be...his son.
(Heyo lovlies~ I'm sorry I hadnt posted anything recently, I've been busy with alot of other things and IRL things haven't been too good, so alot of stress added up to artblock and so I didn't have alot lined up but now here we are and I have quite a few things lined up for you all~ and I hope you all enjoy some tiny baby hedgegoose~)
sonic the hedgehog
scourge the hedgehog
ash mongoose
dr finitevus
doctor finitevus
yanar the echidna
dr. finitevus
finitevus the echidna
150 alt
dante hedgegoose
4 years, 2 months ago
11 Jan 2021 17:48 CET
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