-Lena's POV-
Okay, it's day two since Sonic's first transformation to his female counterpart, Sonikko. I have been working constantly around the clock to come up with an antidote, but every time I test my potion, it fails! But I shall never give up! I had sent Sonic, Shadow, & Amy to Noriko's clothing shop to buy some clothes for Sonic's female body. Well, Noriko didn't know that right away, but I betting she will find out soon enough. I had gotten a call earlier today from Dr. Gwen. Gwen Wilson is by far, the most smartest person that I actually know. I told her about Sonic's problem, so she said that she would like to see Sonic in his female form later on today.
"Hello? Is anybody here?", said a voice from the outside of Lena's home.
"The door's open! Come on in!", Lena shouted.
A few seconds later, Tails had walked into Lena's chamber.
"Hey, Lena! I thought I would just come over to visit!", said the young fox.
"It is nice of you to visit. What brings you to my neck of the woods?", said Lena.
"I have been trying to find Sonic for the past few hours. Do you know where I can find him?", said Lena.
"Sonic? Why, what do you need him for?", Lena asked.
"He promised me that he would take me to the amusement park today. But, I can't seem to find him.", said Tails.
"Well, if he shows up, I'll certainly let him know that you are looking for him.", said Lena.
"Okay, thanks! Later!", said Tails, running off to search for Sonic again.
This isn't good. Tails is known around here to have a sort of homing instinct on Sonic. I best call Dr. Gwen & see if they had arrived there yet.
Over at the doctor's office, we find 8-year old Gwen Wilson, one of the planet's well-known geniuses. She was enjoying herself one of her lollipops when she had received a phone call...
"Hello, Dr. Gwen here. Who's speaking?", said Gwen.
"Hey, Gwen! It's me, Lena!", said Lena over the phone.
"Oh, hi, Lena! How are you? You don't call no more!", said Gwen.
"I'm fine. Did Sonic happen to come over to your place?", Lena asked.
"He just left. Said something about going to the amusement park with Shadow & Amy. A very strange case indeed with this transformation of his.", said Gwen.
"The amusement park? This isn't good! Tails had just left for that direction!", said Lena.
"Oh, dear! If Tails finds out about Sonic's situation, things could get even worse for Sonic.", said Gwen.
"Hopefully, they won't bump into each other!", said Lena.
"Same here. I hate to cut this conversation short, but I have another patient to take care of.", said Gwen.
"Okay. Take care now!", said Lena, hanging up.
Oh, dear. I just hope nothing goes wrong...
-Tails' POV-
Where could he be? I've been looking for him since yesterday. I've searched in all of his favorite spots to hang out, but he wasn't in either one. I've even asked all of my friends in town if they had seen them, but none of them had seen Sonic at all today. I guess I'll just have some fun at the amusement park today by myself.
Tails had flown off towards the amusement park to have a break from all the fights him & Sonic had against Dr. Eggman. Once he landed, he went towards the Ferris wheel. That's when he spotted a familiar face...
"Hey, Tails! Over here!", said a nearby echidna.
"Hey, Knuckles! What are you doing here?", said Tails, running up towards him.
"Ah, the usual. Rouge took the Master Emerald from Angel Island again, & I chased her all the way here. She's hiding in the girls bathroom, thinking that I won't notice her going through the back wall. But when she comes out, she's going to get it!", said Knuckles.
"Knuckles, you seriously need to take a vacation.", said Tails.
"By the way, why aren't you with Sonic? I just saw him with Amy & Shadow, heading towards the food court. Pretty weird, since Sonic never hangs around those two at all.", said Knuckles, pointing in the direction where he last saw Sonic.
"The food court, huh? Thanks for the tip. Later!", said Tails, flying off towards the food court.
What is going on? Sonic never breaks his promises! Especially if the promise is with me! I need answers!
Meanwhile, at the food court, we find Sonic, Amy, & Shadow buying some food to eat. Naturally, Sonic had bought some chili dogs, but he was a little skeptic at first to start eating them. They all went to a table to sit down to eat. That's when Shadow started to say something...
"So, how did the tests go at Dr. Gwen's?", Shadow asked.
"She checked every way, shape, & form with Sonikko. The results said that whenever Sonic eats a chili dog, the transformation would instantly happen. The more he eats, the more feminine his body will get. Basically, he will get wider hips, bigger, lactating breasts, & a bigger butt, but other than that, nothing bad actually happens, except the fact the transformation would be even quicker.", said Amy.
"Well, as long as I don't get seen in my female form, I'm alright! Now, it's time to chow!", said Sonic, who quickly swallowed the first three of the 24 chili dogs he bought.
Once he did that, Tails' voice rang out, "SONIC!"
"Huh? Did you guys hear that?", said Shadow.
"Up there! It's Tails!", said Amy, pointing directly at Tails.
"Tails! Oh, no! Urgghhhh!", said Sonic, as he clutched at his stomach. The transformation was beginning once again.
"Shadow! DO SOMETHING!", said Amy, as she handed over a pair of the clothes that she bought for Sonic.
"Hang on, Sonic!", said Shadow, as he lifted him up & ran off towards the edge of the amusement park.
"Wait up!", said Tails.
I suddenly realized that something was up. I quickly used all of my strength to keep up with Shadow & Sonic. It was really weird seeing Shadow carrying Sonic to the edge of the amusement park. No matter. I'm going to find out what is going on, then give Sonic a piece of my mind, since he was supposed to go to the amusement park with me! Shadow kept running, but I was still able to keep up with him. He stopped at the Mobius River & hid behind a grove of trees. I landed right behind the bushes, making sure that I didn't get spotted. That's when I overheard Shadow talking to a female. But why would I be hearing a female's voice, when he was with Sonic? I looked over the bushes, still keeping myself hidden. That's when I saw something that could never believe...
"Was he able to keep up?", said Sonikko, who was quickly changing into her clothes.
"I don't see him. I believe we've lost him.", said Shadow.
"That's good. I didn't want him to find out about this. Who knows what he would've done if he found out.", said Sonikko.
"He might have told all of Mobius if he had found out.", said Shadow.
When I heard that, I felt a uprising rush of anger. I jumped up from my hiding spot, and yelled, "Sonic! How could you? I'm your best friend, & you think you couldn't tell me anything?"
"Tails! How on earth did you keep up with us?", said Sonikko, running towards Tails.
"Hey...you're not Sonic. But, you look exactly like him. Who are you?", said Tails.
"Sonikko...I think we should tell him. He's already seen too much.", said Shadow.
"I think so. Tails, come with me. I'll explain everything.", said Sonikko, walking Tails towards the river.
I was a little skeptical at first, but I wanted answers, so I did what the Sonic look-alike told me. She sat me down near the base of the river, then started to tell me her story. When she finished, I was shocked to hear the terrifying tale.
"So...that's the reason. I wondered why you've been hanging around Amy's place for a while.", said Tails.
"Well, that's the full story. I'm just sorry that I couldn't tell you earlier.", said Sonikko.
"You're sorry? I'm just sorry that I couldn't be there to help you.", said Tails.
"Eh, it's not all that bad. As long as no one who could take this to their advantage finds out, it's okay.", said Sonikko.
"Well, you can count on me to help you in any way I can!", said Tails, giving his solemn oath to not speak a word.
"I'll keep you to that!", said Sonikko, raising herself to her feet.
"Where are you going?", said Tails.
"I'm going back to Lena's place to see how her work is going. You want to come?", said Sonikko.
"Sure!", said Tails, raising himself to his feet & started to walk with Sonikko towards Lena's place.
If only Tails knew that there was a certain fly on the wall, listening to everything that Sonikko had told him...
-Dr. Eggman's POV-
What is going on here? I have always wondered why the blasted hedgehog was hanging around that shoddy wizard. But, I never thought this could be the reason why! Hmm...I might just be able to use this to my advantage...
"Dr. Eggman! Dr. Eggman!", said a nearby robot.
"What is it, Decoe?", said Eggman.
"I've got some interesting news on the hedgehog! Apparently, he's been missing since yesterday!", said Decoe, while another robot busted in with the same news.
"Doctor! About Sonic!", said Bocoe.
"Don't bother! I've already told him!", said Decoe, thinking he was going to be praised from the doctor.
"It was MY TURN to tell him!", said Bocoe.
"Too bad! I told him first!", said Decoe.
"And I'm very glad you did! Only, there's a slight problem with the information you two have brought me.", said Eggman.
"What's wrong?", said Decoe & Bocoe.
"I'VE ALREADY FOUND OUT THAT HE IS MISSING! BUT HE ISN'T MISSING! HE'S STAYING WITH THAT LENA THE WIZARD!", Eggman yelled, knocking both robots down by throwing two screwdrivers at their heads.
"Ow!", said Decoe & Bocoe.
"Dr. Eggman! I have horrible news!", said a smaller messenger robot who came through the window with his rocket pack.
"Never mind that, Bokkun! Just get Shadow out to Lena the Wizard's place...NOW!", said Eggman.
"That's what I wanted to talk about! Shadow has disappeared!", said Bokkun.
"What? WHEN?", said Eggman.
"Since yesterday! He went into town & disappeared off of our tracker! He's cut off all contact with him as well.", said Bokkun.
"...I'm betting anything that Lena has something to do with this! Go, Egg Phoenix!", said Eggman, launching one of his robots to go and destroy Lena's home.
Narrator: Oh, boy. Looks like things aren't going well for Sonic & the others. What will happen next? Find out in Attack from Above! The Fires of the Egg Phoenix?