has been making art for a long time as you may or may not have known. Over the years he’s gained many followers and friends. This picture was started 2 years ago as a gift to us streaming buddies on his Picarto account. What you may not know is that he’s also been battling health conditions that have seen him in and out of hospitals at times. One illness was serious enough that it almost killed him. This, and many other pieces of art since then have been put on the back burner while he recovered. Now that he's on the mend and not able to do art as fast as he used to, he is doing his best to make his art, the streams, and catch up with what is owed. This gift piece is one such token to show his appreciation for his supporters. Started as a silly sketch 2 years ago, this picture has now been finished and gifted to some of his supporters from across the years. Thank you for this and doing what you do.