Character Sheet for Isaac Inuki
Character Description
Isaac Inuki is a typical anthro fox. He is a High School Senior, and a real techie with an insatiable craving for new devices and video games. He's very tech savy, and helps others out with their tech issues.
Isaac is a very kind, caring, and fun-loving. He can be extremely patient in almost any situation. Very often, he can be comedic without realizing it, though many others tend to notice. He's very protective of his friends and family. If a loved one is in trouble, he rushes to their aid without hesitation.
However, he's not without his problems. Being around others doesn't stop him from feeling lonely, and the desire for romance is everpresent with him, often feeling intense heartache whenever he's single.
(loves: romance, and any-and-all computer electronics)
Food,outdoors, travelling, some sports, art
Pop culture, loneliness, huge cities
Isaac lived a childhood of pure bliss. The only things ever on his mind were food, video games, and his two best friends, Matt and Nick. But everything comes to an end. The three grew apart, and Nick had to move away.
Isaac is now 18, getting ready to enter college, and begin his search for a job.
Melody, his 17 year-old sister; another Arctic Fox
Isaac lives in a small town of about <800.
Isaac has white fur, with some blackish portions on his ears, hands, feet, and tail. He eyes are of a deep shade of blue-green.
(-2011) Black hoodie, black jeans, sneakers
(2012-) Orange hoodie, dark-blue jeans, sneakers