Gift I made for rav/ravrous a friend of mine.
I drew ravrous (his char) and terra (my char) as Panty & Stocking with garterbelt characters. (I basicly tried to replicate the style of the show , not sure how I did lol)
took freaking hours to do this just because I was trying really hard to get the style similar or the same...X-x
So I renamed em and gave em a bit diffrent personalitys...basicly thier alternate dimension versions lol.
Trenchcoat and Collar are angel hunters, so no thier not good-guys lol.
Trenchcoat (Ravrous): The brain and the brawn of the two, he's normally the one who makes up the plans and normally has to save Collars ass near the end of every plan. He generally doesn't care too much for his partner more useing her then anything, consider it a meat-sheild basicly, and some other use's like spy work and such...He is generally a anti-hero only doing good to gain something out of it, normally however he is considered a villan, however he would do good...for a price. His greatest weakness is his pride and gluttony and sloth, he can be lazy at times and overly greedy which sometimes cause's his plans to fail.
His weapon is a duel chain-blade, one side is much larger and he normally lugs it around against his back, while letting the smaller one dangle, however in close combat where swinging a big sword would be a hassle he use's the dagger while the larger sword is clipped to his back, the two swords can detach at his will.
Collar (Terra): The lacky of the team, she is basicly only used for cannon fodder for trenchcoat, a spy to get information about his enemys and generally she is his servant in a way. She doesn't really mind his harsh treatment though, however she does wish he would at least consider her before sending her into the feild of battle like a pokemon. She isn't as smart or as strong as trenchcoat is, but she makes up for it by being faster and sneekier. She's generally the nicer one of the two, however due to her childish nature she tends to over-kill her enemys sometimes or doesn't know when to stop tortureing them...this is normally where trenchcoat comes in to put reason in her head. Her personality also tends to lead her to ignore orders at times and screw things up...the reason for her listening to trenchcoat is unknown, some think trenchcoat brainwashed her with ideas and promises. Her greatest weakness is her lust, envy, and wrath.
Her weapond are twin robotic snakes, the yellow snake is called day-break, while the blue snake is called sun-setter, these snakes are linked up with collar and can transfer live video to her dirrectly, allowing her to spy on enemys, they also can shoot poison darts from their mouths, and bullets, acting as twin guns in battle. The two snakes tend to bicker for attention from Collar sometimes, collar refers to them as her "babys"
12 years, 11 months ago
22 Apr 2012 19:55 CEST
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