Name: Galveston Gender: Male Age: 37 Orientation: Gay Position: Placing coal in stockings for naughty kids (More than that)
Meet Galveston the worst reindeer among the others and not hates but feared cause of his past see Galveston was always good to some but in the dark his naughty one day he was caught having sex with Dasher and getting fucked by Comet to make it worse he has 1 ear which some dont know how it happened. Santa after hearing all this told him to help him by placing coal in naught kids stockings but his intentions are different one night a teenager kept getting in trouble for burning the towns newspapers before sunrise and when Galveston came the teen decided sex is what he needed to get off the naughty list and with Santa having no clue to this day Galveston been giving naughty people what the desire through sex.
You better watch out You better not moan You better not bend over im telling you why Galveston is coming you your ass
This reindeer is trouble that is if you allow him to