I’ve only had them for less than a week and they’ve already matured... not! This is a glimpse into the future I saw after looking at them while they slept for the first time! They aren’t quite grown yet, but this is what they will look like.
Pics 1/2: the order of characters is as follows: Percival “Percy” de Orchua, Paris de Orchua, and Penelope “Penny” de Orchua. Percy is the first born, Penny the second, and Paris the third, respectively. They also use a name similar to mine at times that reflects their species, i.e. Percy the Peep, Paris the Peep, and Penny the Peep.
Pic 3: the children in their four-legged forms.
(At some point, I might turn this into a proper character sheet for them, but for now this is the info I’ve got.)