So I'm on my 3rd week of unemployment (sorry to drop a bomb like that) but here I am with these potential comics 1. Mayor Blur1 in Cheekclap Island. An Animal Crossing New Horizon's comic based on my personal gameplay and villagers AND a bit of my twisted vision. 2. The Fourth Rival Adventures. A Pokemon story based on my own experiences with the game franchise. Of course doused with my perversions. 3. Yu-Gii-Oohh!!: Trials By Fire. An adult Yu-Gi-Oh story that brings together all dimensions of the Yugioh world. And of course, a lot of fucking. I'm thinking about starting some kind of patreon/subscribe star if this peaks any interest. The Goofiverse comic: Would be part of these series I would work on. If you're still reading, thank you for your time, share if possible and have a nice day :) Page 1 Fourth Rival Adventures