I had a little bit of delay with a drawing block, but I worked out the rust with a failed attempt at Fluttershy yesterday. I'll be doing another attempt or 2 or 3 today.
I had a little bit of delay with a drawing block, but I worked out the rust with a failed attempt at
I really meant to get a few attempts of Fluttershy done over the last couple days. My hands have been too sore though. The colder than average weather here has been causing the backs of my knuckles to split open, making it painful to hold a pencil.
I'm have some lotion on my hands right now, and will be going to bed shortly. Hopefully the lotion will let my hands heal up enough to finish a sketch I tried to start earlier today.
I really meant to get a few attempts of Fluttershy done over the last couple days. My hands have be
My hands ARE better today, so I should at least be able to finish my Fluttershy sketch today I hope. I can hold my DS stylus without any pain, at least. Gonna at least try.
My hands ARE better today, so I should at least be able to finish my Fluttershy sketch today I hope.
I seem to be suffering from an art block or something. I just can't seem to keep my attention on a drawing right now. I'm gonna keep on trying though. I gotta learn to deal with art blocks.
I seem to be suffering from an art block or something. I just can't seem to keep my attention on a
Okay. Dunno how far I'll get, but I definitely plan to draw Fluttershy today. Hands hands are pain free today at least. Seems like my art block has lifted. I might have to do a few warm-ups first.
Okay. Dunno how far I'll get, but I definitely plan to draw Fluttershy today. Hands hands are pain
I think it's time for me to come clean. I haven't really been suffering from an art block, I'm too distracted the last few weeks to draw anything because I have a small painful bump on a very specific part of my body, and I'm planning on getting it looked at tomorrow.
I think it might just be a blister or an ingrown hair follicle. I THINK it's starting to get better but I think I should still at least get it looked at. So depending on how well things go tomorrow, I'll probably draw a picture later in the day. I'm telling the doctor straight out I don't want it poked or prodded or anything, just looked at.
I think it's time for me to come clean. I haven't really been suffering from an art block, I'm too
Well, I think the lump feels a little smaller now. So I may have very well popped it. It might have in fact been a Blister, maybe even a Pimple.
One thing I'm certain that it's not, is cancer. Checking this out online confirmed that for me a long time ago. TIme will tell if I have to go in to Spectrum tomorrow or not.
Well, I think the lump feels a little smaller now. So I may have very well popped it. It might hav
Heh, I guess so. But I really like Twilight mostly because I have an affinity for spell casters. Plus she's just so cute.
I'm going to attempt drawing Fluttershy tomorrow. I am pretty positive that bump popped last night, because I'm starting to feel a bit better in that region now. Just gotta wait for it to heal.
Sheesh, it'll be some trip drawing her again, considering I haven't really seriously picked up a pencil in about 2 weeks now.
Heh, I guess so. But I really like Twilight mostly because I have an affinity for spell casters. P
Haha! That bump wasn't completely gone this morning, but it sure as hell is now!
I'm kinda in shock but also giddy and happy. I squeezed the last of the bump out and an inch and a half long hair that wasn't there before became visible. All of this trouble was caused by an ingrown hair!
Haha! That bump wasn't completely gone this morning, but it sure as hell is now! I'm kinda in shoc
Okay, I shoulda started yesterday, but I'm gonna get to drawing Fluttershy today definitely. I had other things to do that I was too distracted to do before when all of this crap was going on. Probably take me a few attempts to get back into it. :P
Okay, I shoulda started yesterday, but I'm gonna get to drawing Fluttershy today definitely. I had
I didn't get Fluttershy done again, but I at least got a little doodling done. Just to work the rust out again. Seems to be some slight deterioration of my drawing ability, but nothing serious. It'll get worked out on Fluttershy tomorrow.
For now I go to bed. :P
I didn't get Fluttershy done again, but I at least got a little doodling done. Just to work the rus
I've been doodling a little bit again, hopefully my hand is good enough to do Fluttershy again today. I'm positive I'll do just fine though. Last time my hand didn't deteriorate at all really, this time shouldn't be any different.
I've been doodling a little bit again, hopefully my hand is good enough to do Fluttershy again today
Yea, it will. I mostly just doodled a lot today, drew a giant Tanooki Leaf. I seem to be working my way back up to drawing ponies again. But at a much faster pace.
Yea, it will. I mostly just doodled a lot today, drew a giant Tanooki Leaf. I seem to be working m