0-22: Oliver follows Dodger to where, he assumes, they are going to feast upon the sausages he helped to take. But instead the dog appraoches, licking his lips, apparently with another plan in mind.
0:22-0:37: Oliver is slurped up, and try as he ight to plead and wriggle his way out of the dog's jaws Dodger makes short work our plucky little protaganist. Just a few gulps and he's nothing but food.
0:37-1:10: A fresh piece of cat steak in the dog's belly. Oliver is doomed to digest, wriggling and squirming around as the acids work him into a fine soup in the core of Dodger.
1:10-1:17: But none of that seems to have disturbed our canine friend, who quietly burps out the last of Oliver's air, sending the stink of the digesting cat wafting through the new york air.