UPDATE 11/9/24: Long overdue to show this, yes. But here's what I have for Selena The Hedgehog and her re-debut for the new TSS canon!
2019-20 Description: I changed her hair back in 2019 with the Super Cousins pic, and now she get's her new look a much better look here. This is the start of the second set of TSS character sets. And, man I love it already! She's back to kick some ass! :D
Anyways, about her, she's the younger cousin of Silver The Hedgehog. (The rest ahead is sorta a remixed summary from when I first created her) Her abilities are similar to Silver, but differ in comparison. Her psychokinesis is more of purple color, and also has the ability to shoot psychokinetic laser-like beams from her palm of her hands, which can take out, or block enemies and disintegrate incoming debris. Much like Silver, she has a love interest, which is Slater The Hedgewolf, whose met within both perilous and awkward situations. Selena is also as determined as Silver is when it comes to a quest, or adventure to save the world.