The next day Artemis had a video call with the other 8 core members of the group, Victor,Zephyr,Storm,Bodhi,Colton,Kage,Akira and Magma and he casually mentioned what had happened and the other wolves had shocked looks on their faces.
"What?" Said Artemis "are you all jealous that i was finally able to get a girl?" he said this smugly.
"No it's not that-" Said Colton "It's just that this whole thing seems a bit too far fetched, you said that you barely knew this girl before and your parents said that you two were classmates but never saw each other."
Akira had chimed in "Y-yeah and when we were still friends back then you never mentioned her at all, have you t-told your brother about this?".
Artemis with some agitation in his voice "No he would most likely not respond, because he has been touring the planet for his latest album that dropped last week".
"Well how could you ignore the elephant in the room?, you know con-" Victor got cut off by colton "sent from your parents the next time you are alone with each other tell them it's dangerous to have this mindset." Artemis's ears flopped down "b-but" Bohdi had jumped in "Artemis you know how he is please just do it I'm going to have to head off i have a fencing event at 12 today see everyone later".
Soon the rest of the wolves logged off as Artemis had stood up from his chair and checked his phone to get a text from Athena saying that she was here and downstairs. After the two met again he confronted his parents in their bedroom and his father let it slip that yes the marriage was real and that her parents had arranged the whole thing. The moonstones just accepted the offer knowing that there was a chance that Artemis would reject her but to their relief he accepted her.
After that argument Artemis had met up with Athena once again "Sorry about that i had to tell my parents something hopefully that won't happen again-". Athena had grabbed his lip to make him shut up, she had this cold stare on her face that turned to an angry one. "I can honestly give a damn about your parents Arthur, because you are going to be my husband if you accept it or not." Artemis took her hand off his lip "very funny athena you aren't for real right?" Athena violently slapped Artemis as he fell over. "Does it sound like I am joking with you overweight slob?! I can honestly care less about you" Artemis held the side of his face as he got back up. "I am only going to marry you because your family needs the money and I just so happened to need a husband from one of the most powerful families in Gaia."
Athena then reveals her true toxic greedy nature to Artemis and she preyed on him because she always knew him as a pushover from middle school onwards and that he was basically a middle child of his family as his older siblings and his younger brother had accomplished something to be famous or well known in a way.
After that traumatizing event Artemis had logged onto his computer to get on another video call with his close friends.
"What happened?" said Zephyr
"...Athena Happened" said Artemis with hurt in his voice "she is apparently not the person i thought she was..".
Artemis had then explained what had happened and that he knew that something needed to be done about this problem. The other wolves were shocked by this and that they all noticed that Artemis was scheming something .
"We are escaping this hell…"
"What?!" the other wolves said shocked to Artemis
"You heard me say it, I'm tired of living on this planet constantly overshadowed by my brother and other siblings and I want to escape here with people that I trust."
It was then that Artemis kept on scheming on his escape plan, and he found the location of a planet called earth that had no Gaian activity on it with inhabitants of this planet already though the Gaian military archives.
"March 1st 2020 we are escaping this place, Akira grab a creation stone and everyone else get prepared. I can tell everyone here has some problem they want to run away from."
Artemis after getting off that online call started grabbing the needed things and started packing hoping to leave his home behind.