Finally got a reference sheet done for my femboy, abyssal dragon alt. While no glorious hippogryph, I do think I make for a sexy dragon. ^v^
In this form I'm 8' tall at the hip, standing on my hindlegs I'd be 16' tall at the shoulder. Adding in the neck, that'd be around 20' tall to the top of my head. That tail is about 40' long for approximately 60' in length total from nose to tail tip. The enormous wings total almost 200' in span, each one being slightly longer than the entire body length.
Abyssal dragons in both the Chronicles of the Realms and the Galactic Saga NEXT breath hellfire. Hellfire is a caustic, yellow/green flame that clings like a napalm and burns simultaneously with the force of acid and fire at once. Abyssal dragons are ambush predators, lurking in darkness. Their eyes allow them to perceive the absence of light, allowing darkness to appear as clear daylight with a faint golden water-waver effect. This unfortunately also gives a lot of light sensitivity and without closing their nictitating membranes, an abyssal dragon can easily go temporarily light-blind. On a related note, the universe is purple to them, not black, because they can see the cosmic microwave background.
The most dangerous feature aside from the hellfire breath is their innate ability to turn invisible to the light spectrum but not from sound, gravitational or other forms of detection that do not rely on the EM spectrum. Their invisibility is not perfect and when they move they create visible distortions in the air like heat waves as their refractive cloaking is not flawless. Standing still though, they'd be undetectable. In the darkness this makes the dragons the ultimate ambush predator. There is a limit to the invisibility, however. When invisible the abyssal dragon's body begins to heat up rapidly as they cannot shed their thermal radiation and if the dragon stays invisible for too long, their organs will cook inside their literally boiling blood and they will die a painful, horrible death!