I thought that it'd be nice to add a Ranger class character to Baka Hero.
She's a master hunter, proficient at archery with both bow and crossbow, stealth, and twin daggers for hand to hand fighting.
Her unique ability grants her invisibility and muffles the sound she makes while invisible to a degree.
She also posses a bottomless item bag so she can store game and loot from fallen adventurers, and if misplaced she can summon it right into her hands so she wouldn't have to worry about losing it or it getting into the wrong hands
Of the main party the only one she truly respects is Silver because of her skills and ability.
She doesn't care for Aryn much, considers her too much of an idiot, and Torrin because of her timid and reserved nature.
The detailed version took quite a long time to finish inking primarily due to the many stripes.
I based her look and name some from my favorite Synth in Fallout 4.
Glory © zmorphcom
4 years, 3 months ago
24 Nov 2020 03:49 CET
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