Jamie stands 5 feet tall he has a very girlish figure and shoulder length purple hair tied in a pony tail at the rear he wears a hoodless ninja outfit he has brown eyes
Gear of Choice:
he chooses to use a ecto-kitana it some what resembles a light sabre but with a sharp green blade
When Activated via his visor with a swipe to the left on the front facing panel Jamie will fuse with his ferret companion to become a fully Anthropomorphic white ghostly ferret in a newish version of his ninja outfit which takes on the form of a Knouchi ninja outfit
Transformation Powers:
along with animalistic Ability's such as looking cute so to distract enemy's, a small speed boost and the ability to fit in very tight place , he also gain a small amount of ghost ability's like phasing through walls, able to turn intangible and the ability to enter ghost portals