I'm really happy folks always seem to love Bianca, I mean who can resist an adorable and sexy Goth Bun! but there's something about Jackie I've always found irresistible.. She's a Punk Hippy rabbit, and Bianca's older sister. Official age is 17, with Bianca being 15. however, in art, they're both aged up appropriately! Anyway, Jackie looks after Bianca, her younger sister, but she's also just a really good person in general. She believes in protecting the environment, in volunteering community service. She's a vegetarian, although most rabbits tend to be, and she's amazingly at studying, sports, you name it! Everyone she knows loves Jackie, she's just.. a popular gal! So likeable. She does have another side though. She loves to party, to drink. She believes in being a free spirit, so when she drinks and lets loose... she can go a bit.. sex crazy like the true bunny she is. ;)
Like with Bianca I adopted Jackie from Fuf and took her to