We are playing Legend of the Five Rings. Moko used some special rules the game master made to play using a Hengeyokai. Most of time during the game he need be using his human form because is dangerous in Rokugan show his real form because people will fear him and there is hengeyokai hunter clan in the area where we play. But when they are in some place fighting just with his trusted friends he uses his real form o fight because is a bit more powerful the atributes. I'm loving the story and events happening, Legend of the five rings s a very dramatic and dense setting
We are playing Legend of the Five Rings. Moko used some special rules the game master made to play u
Oh, to complete information, Moko is from the Crane clan, this reason I drew him using blue this time, and he is a bushi (samurai warrior.. I call him bunshi sometimes XD) from the Kakita family with some specialization in Iaijutsu duel too
Oh, to complete information, Moko is from the Crane clan, this reason I drew him using blue this tim