Faelen was in the kitchen finishing up the tea. Geoff was setting the table for four, the two of them and Liam and Walter. Faelen smiled at the thought, it was a very nice gesture on Geoff’s part. He seemed to realize that Faelen would like to see Liam more often, like Geoff saw Nathanial, but Faelen’s duty made it hard to just ‘do something’, like walk down the street to visit a boyfriend. Avery and Gwen had gone home not long after they returned from Nathanial’s; Faelen needed to do a lot of yard work, and Geoff always helped, so there was no point in staying here. There was still no word from Ireland, whether Muireann’s fate had been decided, whether Dirk or Faelen were to face censure or exile, or even whether Dirk and Conor were returning tonight. Faelen felt his stomach knotting up again, but his ears twitched at the sound of movement outside the door. “Sir, can you get the door? I’m in the middle of something,” He called to Geoff. “Maybe when you stop calling me ‘sir’!” Geoff called back as he went to the front door. Faelen put the Caesar salad aside as he pulled the garlic toast from the oven. He put the tinfoil wrapped loaf on the stove top and began slicing the lasagne that had been settling. Liam paced into the kitchen, Faelen paused in the midst of cutting and half turned to kiss his love. Liam reached up to pull Faelen’s head down a bit, “I am pleased to see you, love.” He gave Faelen a quick kiss, “The food smells delicious.” Faelen smiled and resumed cutting the lasagne, “Thanks.” His smile faded, “I’m feeling a little embarrassed about serving my food, now, after having Nathanial’s and hearing about the meal he prepared for his grandparents. I can’t cook like that.” Liam wrapped his arms around Faelen, hugging his back, “Do not feel so. You make very good food, and how often do you attempt to cook such meals? You make comfort food; simpler, wholesome, and very satisfying. I could not eat that which Nathanial had prepared all the time, despite the taste, I could eat yours.” Faelen felt slightly mollified as Liam continued, “If you do wish to experiment with other cooking styles, then do so; I am certain Nathanial would greatly enjoy collaborating with you, and exchange recipes and tips as well.” Faelen rubbed Liam’s paws where they rested on his belly. Liam let him go and picked up the bowl of salad. Liam’s eyes shone as he reached up and cupped Faelen’s cheek, whispering, “I love you.” He quickly turned and trotted to the dining room with the salad. Faelen felt his own eyes get moist as he smiled. He put the garlic toast into a basket as Geoff came in, then picked up the tray of pasta, “Thank you, Geoff.” Geoff looked puzzled as he picked up the bread, “You’re welcome?” “For inviting Liam and his father over. I really appreciate it.” Geoff shook his head and smiled. He was a little embarrassed, “He’s my friend, too. I know you wish you could see him more, well, you could if you let yourself. There’s no reason you can’t call him up, or he could just drop by, or…” He shook his head, he smelt slightly annoyed, “Don’t worry about what you think of as propriety. You live here, just as much as I do. You have just as much right to have Liam over as I do Nathanial. We both have to make adjustments in going to their homes, but that’s it.” Faelen knew what Geoff was saying, and he was right from his point of view, “S… Geoff, you’re right…” Geoff puffed up a bit, pleased, “But, you’re also wrong.” Geoff deflated and glowered at him, “It’s just a matter of the way you look at it. I do live here, as your servant. It’s our home, but your father’s house. I know you don’t see it that way, but I do. I can’t change that, it’s something we’ll probably be arguing about until the day I die. I’m just very grateful that you could recognise my desire to see Liam, and it means a lot to me that you cared enough to take the initiative and invite him over.” His paws were full so he leaned over and bumped the top of his muzzle against Geoff’s chin, then gave Geoff’s chin a small lick, just behind the longer tuft of fur that decorated it. Geoff blushed furiously and swallowed what he was going to say. He docilely followed Faelen into the dining room, and they put the food on the table. Liam was standing on one side of the shortened table, Walter on the other; Faelen had removed the leaves so the four of them could sit comfortably around it. Geoff motioned for everyone to be seated. Walter sat, unfolding the napkin onto his lap, “Thank you for inviting us, Geoff. I’m still having trouble wrapping my head around the relationship between the O’Conall’s and McDougal’s, but I understand that Faelen and you will be together till the end.” Geoff and Faelen winced, Liam’s ears sagged and the stench of his pain turned Faelen’s stomach. “It’s probably best that I get to know you and your family along with Faelen and his.” He turned to Faelen, “Liam was saying you went to talk to your family, his former family? Well, his to-be in-laws, now.” He shook his head, “Son, you really make for some unusual family dynamics.” Geoff’s ears perked forward, “I’ve never heard anything about his family. I know you’re divorced; you’re gay, which is probably the reason, but that’s it, really. Oh, his mom is dating a Hunter, I heard that, too. What of grandparents? Great-grandparents, or more” Walter looked a little green, “My parents are still around, but Mary’s parents disowned Liam and have nothing more to do with me. Liam has referred to being gay for years, he first said he was when Mary’s father jokingly asked if he had a girlfriend yet. You were…?” He looked at Liam as he asked that, scooping a slice of lasagne onto his plate. Liam put a piece of toast onto his plate and poured a cup of tea, “I was seven, in grade two. He did not appreciate it when I said I did not and would not have a girlfriend, that I was gay and would have a boyfriend when I felt the time was right. I rather resented the question. He was most vocal in his opposition to the idea and accused Dad of planting blasphemous ideas in my head. It started quite a row.” Geoff had nearly choked on his milk when Liam said he was seven, “Seven? I know you said you were young when you realized you were an Ancient One, but seven? How could he ask you if you had a girlfriend at that age and how could you come out or even know you’d be gay?” Liam shrugged, putting his fork down, “I recognized the signs in myself, it is a simple matter when you grow up gay this many times. I also did not care for him, and quite enjoyed vexing him. I resolved a few months prior that I would not tolerate any assumptions that I was straight; I am gay and refuse to live otherwise.” Walter looked bemused, “That visit was when I first started questioning my own sexuality. Arguments continued off and on until two years ago when I finally accepted the fact I was gay, too. Mary accepted it, she had suspicions for a while, but her parents completely cut off all ties to Liam and me. Mary and I started an amicable divorce then. My parents are alive, but they live in Berwick-Upon-Tweed, a town just south of the Scottish border in England. It’s where Dad was originally from. None of Liam’s great-grandparents are alive.” Geoff looked apologetic, “Oh, I’m sorry. Were they in accidents or something?” Walter’s eyes widened in surprise and Faelen suppressed a smile, “No, not at all; they were old, they died. Mom and Dad moved back when my grandparents were getting really old; Dad was just retired and had always wanted to go home, so they went.” Geoff snorted in amusement, “Right, sorry. I forgot you die so young for a minute. What about extended family? Furs have large families from what I hear, I was surprised to learn Liam was an only child.” Walter smiled, “Mary has two sisters, they live in Sydney. I have a sister in Fort McMurray. Oh, that’s Sydney, Nova Scotia. It’s on Cape Breton Island. Fort McMurray is an oil town in northern Alberta. Liam has six cousins.” Faelen felt a hindpaw rub along his, he gently trapped it between his own and rubbed the top of one of his hindpaws against the pads of Liam’s. Liam fidgeted slightly as Faelen tickled him, but he didn’t try to move away. Walter turned to him, “You’re being quiet, Faelen. Are you worried about things back home? I know Liam has been very anxious, he even had trouble meditating last night.” Liam shot his father a dark look as he pulled his hindpaw away from Faelen, “Dad, please.” He tilted his head in thought, “How did you know?” Walter chuckled, “I’m your father, I can tell when you get distracted. Lowell woke a few times during your normal meditation times, he tends to pace a lot and talks to himself.” Liam shook his head, “Yes, both are habits I find most annoying. They are ones I will ensure that remain confined to that life.” Faelen asked, as Geoff took some more lasagne and another piece of toast, “Your habits can bleed through lives like that?” Liam didn’t answer right away, he’d just taken a large mouthful of salad, “Mmph, yes.” He swallowed again, “It is not terribly common, as most Ancient Ones do not discover what they are until puberty, and take some time to really explore past lives. At that point they frequently have established habits and patterns that suppress older ones. As Song Li, I developed a habit of using a cane, even though it was never required until my last few months. When I began exploring that life as Song Xun, I picked the habit back up and it took nearly a year to break it. Yoishi developed a habit of walking with silent steps, one that I, as Liam, have picked up. I like that one, so I will keep it. It is a matter of how deep I descend into a past life, and if the behaviour patterns conflict with any I may have.” He took a drink of tea and ran his hindpaw up along Faelen’s calf, then down his shin, lightly scraping his claws through the shorter fur. Faelen felt his tail about to wag but stilled it. He suddenly tensed up as he heard a sound that was out of place. He stood and held a paw up for silence. It was coming from the basement, it sounded like someone was down there. “Liam, stay with Geoff. There’s someone in the basement.” Liam stood up, “No, you remain, that is your duty. I am better at stealthy reconnaissance than you are, without mist.” Faelen nodded, “You’re right, but we’ll move closer to the stairs. If it’s trouble that’ll be the easiest way to get Geoff to safety.” Geoff grimaced, but Liam seemed to agree, probably knowing that it wasn’t true. They slipped out of the dining room and moved to the stairs, with Liam a little ahead. Liam stopped at the top and held his paws in front of him, palms together with the middle and index finger of each paw facing up. His outline shifted, the sight made Faelen blink reflexively and when he opened them again Liam was gone. A second later he smelt his father in the basement and heard Liam gasp, “Faeden? Pup, what are you doing here?” Faelen smiled and trotted down the stairs to see Liam, or, more accurately, Lowell run forward and grab the tall and muscular wolf in a hug. Faeden looked dumbstruck, unable to understand why a diminutive rottweiler pup was calling him ‘pup’ and hugging him. Lowell continued talking with a thick Cork accent, very similar to Granny Lorena’s, “Gods, Den, last I saw you were barely to my waist, I can’t believe how much you’ve grown!” Lowell stepped back, paws clasped around Faeden’s upper arms, and saw the fear and confusion on his face. Liam shook his head, releasing Faeden as he took two steps back, and said in his normal voice, “My apologies, Faeden. I should introduce myself.” Faelen walked toward them as Geoff and Walter stood by the stairs. Dirk smelt very nervous as he stood beside Conor next to the teleporter room. “I am Liam Smith, I was Lowell O’Conall in my last life. Your grandfather. My question still stands, I was unaware you were on your way. Your arrival took me by surprise.” Faelen stepped in before his grandfather could answer, “That’s right, Da. You didn’t give word of your return, I wasn’t sure who broke into the house.” Dirk’s ears sagged, he still smelt nervous and he was obviously on edge, “Sorry, Son. I wasn’t thinking. Da, this is Liam, as he said. The Ancient One. Standing by Geoff is his father, Walter Smith. Walter, this is my Da, Faeden O’Conall.” Faeden edged around Liam, still reeking of confusion and a bit of fear, and stepped over to shake Walter’s paw. Liam’s ears flattened against his head and his tail curled up between his legs. Faeden said to Walter, “I-it’s nice to meet you, Walter. You, uh, you’re Faelen’s boyfriend’s da?” He rubbed his forehead, “Gods, I need a drink.” Liam stepped over to the couch and leaned against it, pain etched in every muscle. Walter looked at him, then at Faeden, “Yes, I’m Liam’s father. It’s my pup you’re treating so rudely. He apologized for surprising you, even though you surprised him, too. The least you can do is say hello!” Walter was growling at the end, his voice getting louder. Liam turned around, tears dripping off his cheeks, “It is okay, Dad. I understand his reaction. Just… let him get his head around it, it is…” He shook his head, his voice choked off, and quickly walked into Faelen’s room, closing the door behind him. Walter stepped forward and snarled up at Faeden, who took a step back, “What the fuck is wrong with you!? That’s your grandfather! So what if he looks different? Surely you could tell by the way he spoke that it’s Lowell?” Every step back Faeden took, Walter matched. “I-I… uh…” Walter’s paw lashed out and grabbed a fistful of Faeden’s scruff, “‘I’ll go apologize’, is what you’re trying to say!” Walter yanked Faeden’s head down and dragged him off toward Faelen’s bedroom. Everyone stared in shock, Faelen could smell his father getting aroused and saw a growing bulge in his pants. Conor seemed torn over what he was shocked by more. Walter banged on Faelen’s door, “Liam, open up!” The door creaked open to show a bit of Liam’s tear-stained face, he stared in shock at the sight before him. Walter shook Faeden by the scruff, “Apologize!” Dirk whimpered ever so slightly and adjusted himself. Faeden stammered, “I’m, uh, well…” Walter pushed his head down into a deep bow, “That’s ‘I’m sorry I was a fucking ass’!” “I’m sorry!” Walter let him go and Faeden fell to his knees, rubbing the back of his neck. Liam let the door open fully and stared in disbelief at the two men. Faeden sighed, his confusion and shock seemed to be passing, “I’m sorry, Pop, uh, Low… pu…, no, shit.” Walter stepped back. “Liam. I am Liam in this life. This will be difficult for all involved, Den, pardon, Faeden. I… I have never met someone I knew in a previous life before. Not like this. I may inadvertently call you pup, Den, or Fade at times, for that is how I remember you. I apologize in advance, it is not intentional.” Faeden stared up at Liam, confused again, “You… sounded a lot like I remembered a minute ago, but now you sound nothing like you.” Liam rubbed Faeden’s ear, Lowell’s accent was back and his voice was a few octaves deeper. It was very soothing and warm, reminding Faelen of when he lay in bed curled up in his da’s arms as Dirk read a bedtime story to Geoff and him, “Ah, pup, I still see the little lad in there, coming over to sit on my knee and eat Lorie’s biscuits as I read to him.” Faeden closed his eyes as Liam spoke and leaned into the scratching paw, smiling slightly. Liam suddenly snatched away his paw, his voice was normal, “I-I am sorry, I just see you and the memories return so strongly, I cannot keep them back. When I, as Liam, get greatly distracted or the memories of a previous life are very strong, an echo of a previous life can ‘awaken’ and assume control of my body. This manifests, primarily, as speech patterns and mannerisms of that life from a certain time period. For Lowell that is from before you were born, but I remained in good health until close to my death, so there would have been little change.” Faeden stood up, “You are Poppy Lowell.” He rubbed Liam’s cheeks, wiping the tears off the black and tan fur, “Sort of.” Faeden blushed, “I… don’t mind if you accidentally call me ‘Den’ sometimes.” Liam grinned, “I do not mind if you accidentally call me ‘poppy’ or some such.” He sighed softly, “You had the sweetest voice, hearing you call out as I returned home made my heart melt every time, ‘Poppy Lowell’s home! Poppy, Poppy! You’re home!’” A tear ran down Liam’s cheek again, his voice had changed pitch to sound just like a young pup, presumably Den’s voice. All the Spirits grinned widely, even Den; Faelen’s mind reeled as he tried to square that voice with the large wolf he’d grown up with. Liam went to hug his grandson again, but caught himself. Den grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, instead. Lowell spoke, “I’m sorry I lied to you, pup. I should’ve told all of you the truth. I love you, I loved all of you, and I never wanted to hurt you. I’m sorry.” Faelen could tell Liam/Lowell was crying again. Den sniffed, it sounded like he was crying, too, “I forgive you, Poppy.” Faelen quietly walked over to Dirk and Conor, “We were in the middle of tea, if you want some. I made lasagne and Caesar salad.” Conor nodded and put his paw on Dirk’s arm to draw him away. Walter came over and they all went upstairs to give Liam and Den some time. Upstairs, Faelen and Geoff put two leaves into the table and reset it. Dirk grabbed the second lasagne Faelen had prepared and three more place settings. “Do you want me to make more salad, sir? I’m almost done eating, anyway.” Conor looked into the bowl, then scooped the remainder into Dirk’s salad bowl and his own, “Please. Start with another loaf of garlic bread, first, if possible. We missed our own tea, and it’s almost supper there.” Faelen nodded, and grabbed the serving bowl, “Yes, sir.” He looked at Dirk, “I don’t suppose you brought some of Granny Lorena’s chocolate biscuits, Da?” Dirk nodded, “Yes, They’re in a tin by the teleporter. I put them down to help Da, the teleporter didn’t agree with him.” Geoff growled, “Like Faelen’s last trip?” Dirk put his glass of milk down with a bang, “What!?” He growled at Conor, “Why didn’t you tell me!?” Conor put his paw up and spoke soothingly, “I was distracted, Dirk. There was a lot going on the second I arrived, and he seemed to be recovering before I left. If it got worse there wouldn’t be anyone I’d trust more than Sensei to treat him, and they’d phone right away. I’m sorry, but I honestly didn’t remember until we got back.” Dirk growled and muttered but didn’t say anything else. Conor addressed Geoff, “Yes, it was similar, but I didn’t get a good look at Faelen.” Dirk’s eyes narrowed. Faelen propped the swinging door open so he could see a bit as he listened. He quickly sliced a loaf of French bread in half as Conor continued, “He smelt extremely stressed as we went in, he was also a little out of breath since he ran to catch us before we left. Faelen was in a similar state when he came back, but much worse. Faeden became quite weak once he stepped out into this side, and seemed to have trouble seeing. He didn’t fall over like Faelen did, but Faelen was also out of breath.” Dirk growled, again, so Faelen poked his head back in as he buttered the bread, “Same symptoms, they went away very quickly, though. I sent him on Da, I was fine, just winded and tired. A few minutes in the shower and I was right as rain.” He glanced at Geoff, he normally wouldn’t say anything but it might affect his boss, “Something happened during transport, something unusual. I can’t describe it. I don’t want Geoff going through it until we get Nathanial to look at the Ireland side.” Geoff gave a start, Faelen walked back into the kitchen to get the other half of the loaf as Conor asked, “And you never mentioned this before Gwen went home or we came through?” Dirk glared at him, annoyed. Faelen began buttering the other side, “No, this was the first time it happened. I thought it was just because I was so drained from running, it normally is a little rough on people. It wasn’t until Poppy was affected that I thought it might be something more.” He wrapped the loaf up and stuck it into the oven, the oven was still warm so it wouldn’t take too long to heat back up. He began making the salad when he heard Faeden coming up the stairs, Liam was probably with him, too. The door to the dining room opened and Dirk said, “Da, if you would. Sensei, your food is there.” Den asked, “Sensei? What does that mean?” Dirk sounded amused, “Master of a craft. Sensei doesn’t like being addressed familiarly and insists on being called by his last name. Nathanial, Geoff’s boyfriend, started using Japanese honourifics when talking to him, Sensei liked it or was amused by it and it stuck. We used sensei when we found out he was a healer.” Den turned to Liam, “Poppy? You make Dirk talk to you like a stranger? He’s your great-grandson.” Liam sounded a little uncomfortable, “I was, and I guess am, trying to keep a little distance between my lives. I have told him he may address me by first name, but I believe he is more comfortable using my title. You are not related to me anymore; Lowell is dead, I am Liam.” His voice became thick with emotion again, “It is… the difference seems so negligible now; whenever I look at you, I do not see the grandfather of my love, but the son of my son. I see you as you were hours after your birth, I feel your tiny paw gripping my finger, the sound of your cries and laughter.” He shook his head, “I did not think seeing any of you would be so… powerful. It is ripping me apart.” Faelen walked into the dining room and put the salad on the table. He walked behind Liam and leaned over the chair to wrap his arms around him, licking him on the cheek. Liam smiled up at him, his eyes shining with unshed tears, “Worry not, my love. It is not all pain, the happiness is just as strong. I am pleased I have fallen in love with you for many reasons, the chance to see my… Lowell’s family again is one of them.” Den looked very uncomfortable as he looked at them. Walter did, too, but it seemed to be in response to Liam talking about his other family, not the affection being displayed. Dirk smiled, he sounded a little emotional, too, “Get used to it, Da. They can’t keep their paws off each other, though they aren’t as bad as Geoff and Nathanial.” Den looked ill. Geoff squirmed in his chair, “Does… Grandda know? Did you tell him?” Liam stepped in before one of the adults could answer, “Indeed, there is much news to be discussed. What of Muiry?” Faeden’s muzzle quirked into a small smile, “She hates being called that, Poppy. Aedan takes full advantage of it.” Geoff looked annoyed, Faelen could smell him starting to steam. Conor diverted the conversation, “No, Geoff, he doesn’t. Not yet. I think you’re going to have to tell him sooner than you thought, though. You don’t have to come out to everyone, but Da has a lot of powder kegs ready to go off and he doesn’t need one he doesn’t know of taking him by surprise.” Geoff seemed relieved and disappointed. He was probably hoping the Alpha would find out like this so he wouldn’t have to tell him in person. Den slumped back in his chair, “Geoff and Nathanial. The bloody Dark Spirit and a …Mage, of all things. Fuck, pup. It’d be bad enough if this Mage was female, at least we’d get pups out of it, but being gay and falling for a Mage?” Faelen sat in his seat while Faeden spoke and answered before anyone else could, “Aoife.” Everyone looked at him in surprise. Faelen smiled, “Liam, Poppy, do you think Aoife might be a lesbian? She’s unmarried, she expressed a lot of interest in my sexual activities; she’s actually the only one that seemed interested, not disgusted. She might be willing to bear a pup for Geoff.” Everyone’s jaw dropped, even Liam’s. Liam sounded stunned, “My baby girl? Little Aoife having Geoff’s pup? Are you mad?” He shook his head, “No, it is sound. It would solve a major problem, and I never thought that Aoife would be the marrying type. I cannot see her being a mother, but time changes things. If she were to bear Geoff’s pup, she would have much assistance in raising him or her. I would be able to tell when she is approaching her fertile period as well, and when Geoff is most potent. I noticed with Lorie that she seemed fertile only once or twice a year, and only for a few days. I have also noticed that you four,” He pointed at all the Spirit’s but Faeden, “Also have large fluctuations in sperm counts. The ability to determine Lorie’s fertile periods and my consistency is what enabled me to have four pups so close together.” Den coughed, “You… you’ve slept with all four of them, Poppy? Even Conor?” Liam smiled, “No, of course not. I do not need to have the semen placed in me to determine how potent they are, nor do I need to fondle their testicles. It manifests in their chi, which allows me to get a rough idea of their levels.” Geoff held his stomach, “A-a da? Me? Oh, gods.” Faelen chuckled, “Nathanial would be ecstatic. Besides, this is just an idea, we don’t have any clue if she’d go for this.” Liam said, “Lorie will push for it; she must be pressuring Aoife to get married. Aoife’s one hundred and thirty eight, she will be risking many difficulties in pregnancy if she does not hurry.” Den looked a little impressed, “You know right off how old she is? I have to count out how old I am.” Liam smiled wryly, “Perfect memory, that and I have already worked it out for all of you. I did so when I was thinking how long it has been since we last spoke. But you have not answered my question, what of Muiry? What is going to happen to her? What of Faelen and Dirk?” Conor’s face became stony, “We can’t say. The Alpha has sworn us to secrecy.” Dirk smelt scared, but neither he nor Den showed any emotion on their faces. Faelen lowered his head, torn between relief and fear. If they weren’t allowed to talk it meant the Alpha hadn’t made up his mind; Luke McDougal wasn’t one to delay action once he’d committed to something. Conor had even joked that once the Alpha had decided to wait and see, he’d go all out waiting and seeing; you’d never see so much energy being expended in passivity anywhere else. Walter frowned, “Why? Dirk and Faelen are the ones he’s talking about. Don’t they have a right to know what’s going on?” Liam shook his head, “Perhaps they might be allowed to know, but there are others present. Even if it is to be secret from them, that is the Alpha’s will, it matters not the reason. They must obey and keep their vows.” Walter looked at his son, “They have rights, too. No one person has the right to unilaterally decide the fate of others. What of this Muireann? Lowell’s daughter? Her crime sounds like it’s practicing her right to free speech. I don’t want her spreading rumours that can cause you, Faelen’s family, or Geoff’s family trouble, but she has a right to free speech. The orientation of you… four, counting Dirk, is not a state secret. Your past life isn’t either.” Den snorted, “Yes, it is. Poppy worked for the last Alpha, he was permitted into the Clan by the Alpha, we, as his descendants, exist solely by the permissions of the Alpha. The origin of our lineage is a state secret. Geoff is marked to be the next Alpha, anything that jeopardizes that, and thus the place of the Cork Clan internationally is a state matter. Dirk is the bodyguard of Conor, who is the son of Luke, father of Geoff, and the manager of the Clan’s finances. Dirk’s activities reflect on Conor; Conor’s knowledge, or lack of knowledge, of his activities affects his ability to do his job and act as advisor to both the current Alpha and future Alpha.” Geoff looked ill, but didn’t say that he had no intention of being the next Alpha. “Faelen is the bodyguard of the Dark Spirit, questions of his legitimacy and membership in the Clan are directly related to questions of the Dark Spirit’s competence and judgement. If word gets out about Faelen and Geoff admits his knowledge of who and what Faelen is, he could lose any chance of being able to effectively lead the Clan. If he pleads ignorance but doesn’t exile or kill Faelen he could also lose his place.” Walter paled, he looked disgusted and furious, “That is preposterous! How can a place like that still exist in the western world? Liam you knew about all this and you helped them, as Lowell? You’re willing to go back and be part of that?” Liam nodded, “It was not time to change things drastically as Lowell, but I set things up to begin to change. The Alpha and I had coinciding goals, it was a mutually beneficial arrangement. Now, with Conor-san and Geoff, there is a good chance that the seeds I sowed will begin to grow. Dad, please do not forget that this is the first democracy I have truly lived under, concepts of ‘rights’, ‘individual responsibility’, and ‘self determination’ are quite foreign to me. Lowell may have operated in a country that was a constitutional monarchy, like Canada, with an elected government, but I lived in the Clan. That is where my allegiance lay. My view of things is not yours.” Walter stared at his son like he was a stranger masquerading as Liam. “I am sorry if you do not understand, Dad, but that is the truth. Furthermore, the Alpha does not have the ‘right’ to determine the fate of others, he has the duty to. It is his job and responsibility. The O’Conall’s are the tools of the McDougal’s, including the Alpha, Luke McDougal; we, pardon, they live and die to further their goals, and, thus, the goals of the Clan.” Walter stood up, slamming his paws onto the table, “Fuck that! Liam, you are not an O’Conall, you’re a Smith! My son! You live and die for you, not as some… pawn,” he spat the word out with disdain, “of some fucking aristocrat! You’re a free Fur!” Geoff glared at Faelen, “Hear, hear!” Faelen felt his temperature rise, and could smell Conor and Faeden starting to boil, too. Dirk didn’t smell angry, more like he was tormented by something. Faelen struggled to keep a reign on his temper, “My lord, we’ve been over this.” Wrong choice of words, Walter seemed ready to go apocalyptic, “Sorry, Geoff, we’ve been over this. I choose to serve you. You’ve given me the choice of leaving, of determining my fate; I have, I wish to stay with you. Are you going to order me to leave? That’s hardly letting me do what I want with my life.” Den growled to Walter, “See? We aren’t pawns, we’re here because we choose to be.” Walter’s lips curled up to show his teeth, “Yeah, and what about Muireann? Is she a willing participant in this… slavery? Serfdom. Whatever you call this archaic practice.” Liam growled softly, “It is not slavery. It never has been. No Spirit has ever enslaved another; I would not participate in such a thing, having experienced it. It is a form of vassal, of a family being in hereditary service to another. Each family has a duty to the other, there is give and take on both sides.” “What about Muireann?” Den rubbed his paw over her face, “If she swears to silence, sincerely swears, she’ll probably be watched but left alone. She doesn’t work for any McDougal, but she won’t be allowed near Rolph McDougal after this, Granny Lorena has made that perfectly clear already.” Liam sighed, “That will most likely fail. She has never been able to keep silent and she is a most vengeful sort. She will already feel wronged, and will seek expiation. I hope she has matured in the time we have been apart, and I hope she will heed wise council. I would even speak to her, if she will see me.” Faelen stood and said, “The bread is ready, give me a minute.” He was grateful of the opportunity to escape the overpowering smell of the intense emotions in the room. Conor stood up as well, “I’ll get some drinks. Does anyone want anything?” Liam smiled at him, “Some tea would be lovely, Conor-san, if you are willing to wait for the kettle. If not, I will be content with what I have.” Faelen saw a flicker of relief on Conor’s face as he nodded and forced himself to walk calmly into the kitchen with Faelen. As the door swung closed Conor sagged against the counter and rubbed his nose, breathing deeply. Faelen chuckled, but sneezed several times as the scents continued to irritate his nose. Liam continued talking, “We have exhausted the topic for now, any further discussion would resolve nothing and merely raise the tempers of all. The fates of Dirk-san, Faelen, Muireann, Lorena, and myself are undetermined. Until such time as the Alpha chooses to inform us of his intentions speculation is useless. Be assured, Dad, that Conor-san will not permit Dirk-san or Faelen to come to harm, exile is the worst they would face and they have ample resources to live well. I am certain this home would quickly be transferred to Dirk-san. Should I be banned from the Clan, there is little harm, and should Lorie be exiled, well, I ensured she was very well looked after prior to my, pardon, Lowell’s death.” Walter growled, “Muireann.” Liam sighed, “Her fate is in her paws. Should she be intransigent, that is her choice and she will meet a fate of her own design. Now, the topic is closed, we will not discuss this any further tonight. Geoff, how was Gwendolyn-chan’s visit?” Faelen smiled as he cut the bread, Conor clapped his paw on Faelen’s shoulder, “I like your pup, Faelen.” Faelen’s smile grew.
While the Marks enjoy their day out shopping and spending time together, Geoff and Faelen are left home alone. They are preparing for some company to join them for tea, and to have their own quiet day.
Either name works for me. It's a little after four pm, tea time. They have supper at eight, a much lighter meal than our 'supper'. Yes, Walter was vociferously railing against what he sees as injustice.
Either name works for me. It's a little after four pm, tea time. They have supper at eight, a much
Normally Walter isn't very passionate, but he doesn't like seeing Liam in pain. He's also a little out of sorts from the situation, with the Liam/Lowell thing.
Normally Walter isn't very passionate, but he doesn't like seeing Liam in pain. He's also a little